OK My turn


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Feb 6, 2007
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The cat is Belle, the dog is Maggie and the fish is Rhuadrhi (Rory - meaning Red King in Gaelic).

Belle and Maggie live with my parents because I can't have furry creatures in my apartment and Belle is almost 14 years old!


  • Belle3.jpg
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  • Maggie.jpg
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  • Rhuaidhri3.jpg
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So do I!
She still comes and sleeps on me when I stay with my parents. I always woke up with her on top of me and my blankets. She also would snuggle under the cover with me - a furry, purring hot water bottle. :) I miss having her around.

I "taught" her to fly once too - she tried to wake me up by biting my nose - she flew into the closet and didn't try to bite my nose again. ROFL
LMAO, I bet she didn't

my old cat used to sleep with me like that too..Shane doesn't so much, but he does like to sleep in my arms :)
cats are so lovable!
she tried to wake me up by biting my nose

Ha ha, I had a cat who would bite my ears if my alarm had gone off and I hadn't gotten out of bed yet. And he was free-fed so it wasn't like he needed breakfast or anything, I think he just got anxious for me not to be late. It was cute but painful.

You have a lovely animal family!
Aw cute pets, ....and beautiful cat you got there ;)

I have 6 cats but 2 of them will be adopted this July and I plan on keeping all 4, yeah I'm a cat lover!!! I wish I own thousands of cats, but my house isn't that huge and I aren't rich either :giggle:
Yes and she's starting to get grumpy. If ppl pick her up she growls sometimes (maybe arthritis).
Your kitty kind of looks like my cat which is all gray with tan "spots" on her. 14 years old is old age for cats--I think the average age for house cats is 12 yrs old and outdoor cats is 6 yrs old.

Great furry family pictures. ;)
I have 3 cats and one is on my lap now. Ahhhhhhhhhhh keeping me warm.

My cat Brownie always wake me up by putting her cold paw on my nose for my attention and for me to get out of the bed. Smart Ass!!!
Nice photos of your pets...kinda cute when the cat supposedly 'flew' once upon a time-- :lol:

Years ago, had a cat that would always jump on the bed, waited til it was about one or two minutes before the alarm would go off and start licking my face, more so, my nose--in other words, telling me: "hey buster, get up...time to feed me, I don't have allllll day now, ya know?!" and kindly reminds me of so by licking more with the feeling of a wet sandpaper brushing up against my nose! :lol:

cute pets you have!

my cat would do the same thing, during the middle of the night when we are tossing and turning, my cat will attack our feet. my hon would get aggravated and tell her to get off the bed lol.. she would hide in the closet
You got cute pets there :thumb: :giggle: I love to pat the pets hehe

Yes and she's starting to get grumpy. If ppl pick her up she growls sometimes (maybe arthritis).

Ah same as my mom's dog Ricky was old and I was just walk passed him without touch him but he bite me twice hehe but it was hurt :) but he is passed away last July 2006 :( miss him.