I think we VIOLATE his freedom of SPEECH here...
That is not right to take away his rights.
I thought this is the LAND OF THE FREE?
O.J. should say whatever he wants to.
That isn't right to take away his rights.
His right of free SPEECH.
So let him... Interview and books...
That isn't fair to tell him to shut up.
If you don't wanna listen to him, then don't listen to him, change channel and
don't buy his books.
No one is saying that he CANT write books or that he CANT interview. No one is trying to put duct tape over his mouth and say that he cant say whatever he wants. It is not a RIGHT to have a book published or an interview aired on national TV.
No one stopped him from writing the book, or making the interview. But people did say that its crazy for this man to get treated like a celebrity for talking about in such a horrific manner these murders that many believe that he him self committed.
We arent telling him to shut up, we are saying to the publisher of the book and to FOX news who would air the tv interview that if they air it, we refuse to watch it.
Its called a boycott. If you dont like something you have every right to say that you refuse to buy or accept that thing and no one can force you to do anything else.
The problem that people had, wasnt that he was talking, it was that he was being paid all this money for talking about how he would kill his ex wife that was brutally murdered. He still owes MILLIONS of dollars to the brown and goldman families, and he hasnt paid any of it. He claims that he is broke, then he goes and gets millions of dollars for writing a book and is trying to hide that money from the courts so he doesnt have to pay any of it to the families of the people that were murdered.
I dont give a crap if he ever does another interview or write an autobiography about his life, but when he goes out, write a book and does an interview on how he would brutally murder two innocent people, its just disturbing.
If a company wanted to publish his books or a tv channel wanted to air the interviews they would pay FOX news and News corp for the interview and the book copy rights and then sell them. However who ever bought the rights would have to suffer a lot of heat from the public. Because the american public is fed up with this self pretentious egotistical attention craving freak.
Even if he did not commit the murder its absurd, its crazy and just down right sick to write a book saying how you would kill the mother of your children, how you would brutally murder your wife. Even after she had already been killed in cold blood and we still dont know who did it.
Thats like if some Al-Queida person were to write a book saying "if i were going to bomb the world trade centers this is how i would do it" its just plain wrong and mean to shove it in the faces of the families that have had people die.