Ohio Town To Homeowners: Mow Lawn Or Face Jail

Tousi... LOL, the goats will do.... But cows will do it more quickly.
LOL about Goats and cows... I rather choice goats... Not want cow's patties on my yard :eek:
LOL about Goats and cows... I rather choice goats... Not want cow's patties on my yard :eek:

Lol, Phillips, hang the cow patties on the clothesline for a few weeks and you will have fire wood for this coming winter up there in Delaware, lol....
That's law is a law.

Ohio residents, move other place in north where the grass slow to grow....and, move new town in Death Valley where it's no grow grass. :jaw:
Why not make the yard into something that produces food? A Garden! There is gonna be a time when we will need to grow some our own food since the price of food is going up. Also, the price of gas is going up to to make the cost of mowing go up as well.
Was this such a huge problem that the city council had to notice?

2,000 properties with lawns not maintained are being maintained by tax dollars. Now, that's rude!

It would seem to me that Canton is saying, "We're not going to cut your grass for you because you can't take responsibility!"
I think Dixie knows exactly why some folks don't mow their lawns; she found out last night. :giggle:
I am lucky to live in Alaska .... live in the wilderness where the forest trees and mountains are. I live in N A T U R E where I don't need to mow! :wiggle:
I actually think this is a good law. I worked my butt off keeping my lawn neat and well-maintained...but it is moot if the two neighbors next to my house don't bother keeping up their yard.

Also, the property value of the home/land can be decreased if the neighborhood looks trashy. My aunt bought a brand new house for $350,000 (which in a small town in Arkansas, that's pretty good) - and she never got to live in it (long and unnecessary story about why) - so she tried to sell it. However her neighbor all of sudden decided to have a scrape yard (auto parts). Result? Her home devalued...to almost $95,000. :(
I actually think this is a good law. I worked my butt off keeping my lawn neat and well-maintained...but it is moot if the two neighbors next to my house don't bother keeping up their yard.

Also, the property value of the home/land can be decreased if the neighborhood looks trashy. My aunt bought a brand new house for $350,000 (which in a small town in Arkansas, that's pretty good) - and she never got to live in it (long and unnecessary story about why) - so she tried to sell it. However her neighbor all of sudden decided to have a scrape yard (auto parts). Result? Her home devalued...to almost $95,000. :(
Ouch, that is bad, deafbajagal.

This makes me to think that HOA is worth thing to have.
It happened in my town they start puttin laws like that TILL serval people did thier research and found serval city properties that have old countries vechiles etc in a 8 feet tall fenced property with tall grass and city became emrbassed of it and i still see it not being take care of since maybe 2 yrs ago
CANTON, Ohio (AP) ― Homeowners who don't mow their grass in this northeast Ohio city now face stiffer penalties - including possible jail time.

The city council unanimously passed a law Monday that makes a second high-grass violation a fourth-degree misdemeanor carrying a fine of up to $250 and as many as 30 days in jail.

The previous law only made the first violation a minor misdemeanor, with a fine of up to $150 but no jail time. The new law is to take effect in 30 days.

"This is the type of action we need to take in order to clean up our neighborhoods and our city," Mayor William J. Healy II said.

The laws are an effort to reduce the roughly $250,000 the city spends to cut about 2,000 private lots each year and to address public complaints, Councilman Greg Hawk has said.

Yup, this is the kind of stuff I was talking about in another thread earlier (the kid that got a 200 year sentence).

Maybe this will open peoples eyes as to the ramifications of having a justice system which is too harsh and uncaring... Harsh penalties make things like this possible, it sets a precedent and kind of a spectrum. Pretty soon we may see people thrown in jail just because their dog does its 'business' on somebody's lawn.
I actually think this is a good law. I worked my butt off keeping my lawn neat and well-maintained...but it is moot if the two neighbors next to my house don't bother keeping up their yard.

Also, the property value of the home/land can be decreased if the neighborhood looks trashy. My aunt bought a brand new house for $350,000 (which in a small town in Arkansas, that's pretty good) - and she never got to live in it (long and unnecessary story about why) - so she tried to sell it. However her neighbor all of sudden decided to have a scrape yard (auto parts). Result? Her home devalued...to almost $95,000. :(

Oh, and this is irrelevant... it doesn't matter if they have weeds ten feet tall. It should be a CIVIL violation, perhaps with fines (and fines ONLY). Jail time is out of the question because it does not involve criminal intent, or clear danger to others. Assault is something you give jail time for, not tall grass, no matter if it makes a home value drop by a billion dollars.

Do you have any idea of the implications of this?
Also, laws are meant to have a deterrent in some ways, yes. They should NOT instill fear in the citizenry, however. It is too easy to fall into the trap of "well, if you don't break the law, then you don't have to worry."

What if they come up with a law that your house must be a certain color which does not clash with neighboring houses, or face possible jail time? Or even still, your house is simply not pretty enough, or is not a carbon copy of every other house on the block. We have to stop these things BEFORE they happen, it will be a little late when they actually do start to happen.

I'm sorry if I got carried away, this just gets me a little heated.
Laws must be fair and JUST at all times! Not simply convenient for those who plan to never break them. That is not how it works. 'Convenience' laws lead to tyranny.
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Also, mathematically, this law only will have a benefit if they actually prosecute less than about 170 people on it, which means (in my mind) that it is purely a scare tactic which they do not plan on backing up beyond a certain point.

It costs something like $50 per day to keep a prisoner in jail.
$50 * 30 = $1,500
$250,000 / $1,500 = 167 (rounded up)

So, they can actually hold 167 people to this 30 day jail time law before it becomes more expensive than just cutting the grass.

There are around 80,000 people in Canton.
(167 / 80,000) * 100 = 0.20875% of the population of canton that they can actually hold to this law before it becomes redundant.