Ohio boy hospitalized after 4-day Xbox marathon

As a Gamer and a former hardcore gamer.... I can tell you that a timer WILL NOT WORK . It is a good idea but when you play games, you are in a different world and do not care about a lot of things. What you need is a person to push you off your ass and take away the controller... well at least for me yeah...
So it's an addiction?

Maybe it's better not to go that far in the first place. Especially for the children. The parents shouldn't allow that to happen.
I was very addicted to MMORPGS/multiplayer games like WoW, COD black ops and so on. I think i just liked how i could play with other players. (much more fun that way than with npcs) I don't know. Probably so. I absoultely agree with you, Some parents raise their children by leaving them on the couch in front of the tv. Kind of sad.
I agree that timer won't work. Try to set limit like, I'll play 3 games or something.

You know, in real life, a baseball game may be 2 hours or it may be 3 hour 45 minutes. You don't set limit that a baseball game must be of a certain time, do we? Same with video games. If you advance in the next round, you won't want to be cut because of timer.
Exactly, but that's also a problem. I used to do that, One more game... OK OK ONE MORE GAME AFTER THIS and this keep going on and then before i know it. it is the next day. O_O
Sometimes it's a form of escapism, of being in a place where your personal problems aren't. I think that may be when it becomes a long-term "addiction", when games are less about being fun and more about avoiding everything else.
Jeez, that's why I have a fridge, toilet and a bed next to me. I play games as if they were my books. Yes I do read books while playing games :P haha. But honestly this kid was just brainwashed by others and thought he can live on playing games forever. This kid needs to read some books on gaming and some books on cooking then he is able to play games longer, just need to cook some good meals between battles and such.
Back in my dark student days, the house I was in didn't have broadband and as it was in the UK, all local phone calls were charged PER MINUTE (yes, really). A few internet service providers had a free to call number to dial up, but it would disconnect you every two hours (to stop you just sitting dialled in all day). I had a timer set on my watch under my screen to beep at an hour and fifty minutes, so I could sit and play Tribes 2 and be warned that I was going to be disconnected soon.

So I could dial up immediately and pick up where I left off.

I can't imagine playing for hundreds of hours or whatever, though. Your eyes start to hurt.

My sons are addicted to game but I do check on them. I rip their laptop off their cold dead hands and hide it until they weaned out of their "cold turkey". I suspended my youngest son his privilege to use my laptop for a month because he disobey me and my wife for not cleaning up his room when we asked him to when he snuck back to play game.. My oldest son sometime look for his laptop around the house when I ripped it away from him. I would keep it in my workshop because he doesn't know how to look deeper cuz I have junks piling in garage. Now both of my son is better now. He comes down and be with me most of the day without resorting to his laptop. He know that I'll rip it away if he don't obey.

There are some routers such as Asus RT53U have time setting that you can set to disable kid's network after 2 or 3 hours of online gaming. It allows up to 3 guest account that have time block of your choice. Which means that your main SSID would have to have different access password or change SSID and "hide" it so kids won't be able to find or hack into your SSID to have unlimited gaming time. It's a very nice router. ONE exception!!!, if kids are smart enough to do pinhole reset... you're ruined unless you outsmart them by either removing or relocating reset button inside of router :rofl: .

I can't believe that his parent don't even bother checking their son for 4 days!! That's rather scary because they either are just being busy or assume their son eat on his own without them knowing it. I must admit that parents are being way too lenient to their children. It seem that in my neighborhood, I'm one of few strict parents and rest of neighborhood parents are "loose cannon". My daughter had been complaining about them letting kids stay up late how ever they want, let them do drugs or alcohol and sex in their room. She despise them because they don't show love and discipline their children. It's damn scary cuz It's an upscale neighborhood I am living in!!! I had faced their parent and told them of their daughter's/son's involvement, they just shrugged and gingerly nag at them. What's wrong with those people today!!

If kids became addicted to game and being a hardcore, Just rip their gaming console out of their hand and sell it at Pawn shop or Craigs list. Kids would go cold turkey and if they want to go over their friend's home, just tell them no period and notify friend's parent that your kid cannot come over not even unannounced visit either. Just tell them to send your kids home. Kids would be angry but try to take them out to movie, parks, fishing, camping or any activities that can wean them out. If not then send them to boot camp.. Or send them to counseling session about their gaming addicition.

Sound harsh isn't it, that'll teach them a hard lesson about responsibility and common sense.


My sons are addicted to game but I do check on them. I rip their laptop off their cold dead hands and hide it until they weaned out of their "cold turkey". I suspended my youngest son his privilege to use my laptop for a month because he disobey me and my wife for not cleaning up his room when we asked him to when he snuck back to play game.. My oldest son sometime look for his laptop around the house when I ripped it away from him. I would keep it in my workshop because he doesn't know how to look deeper cuz I have junks piling in garage. Now both of my son is better now. He comes down and be with me most of the day without resorting to his laptop. He know that I'll rip it away if he don't obey.

There are some routers such as Asus RT53U have time setting that you can set to disable kid's network after 2 or 3 hours of online gaming. It allows up to 3 guest account that have time block of your choice. Which means that your main SSID would have to have different access password or change SSID and "hide" it so kids won't be able to find or hack into your SSID to have unlimited gaming time. It's a very nice router. ONE exception!!!, if kids are smart enough to do pinhole reset... you're ruined unless you outsmart them by either removing or relocating reset button inside of router :rofl: .

I can't believe that his parent don't even bother checking their son for 4 days!! That's rather scary because they either are just being busy or assume their son eat on his own without them knowing it. I must admit that parents are being way too lenient to their children. It seem that in my neighborhood, I'm one of few strict parents and rest of neighborhood parents are "loose cannon". My daughter had been complaining about them letting kids stay up late how ever they want, let them do drugs or alcohol and sex in their room. She despise them because they don't show love and discipline their children. It's damn scary cuz It's an upscale neighborhood I am living in!!! I had faced their parent and told them of their daughter's/son's involvement, they just shrugged and gingerly nag at them. What's wrong with those people today!!

If kids became addicted to game and being a hardcore, Just rip their gaming console out of their hand and sell it at Pawn shop or Craigs list. Kids would go cold turkey and if they want to go over their friend's home, just tell them no period and notify friend's parent that your kid cannot come over not even unannounced visit either. Just tell them to send your kids home. Kids would be angry but try to take them out to movie, parks, fishing, camping or any activities that can wean them out. If not then send them to boot camp.. Or send them to counseling session about their gaming addicition.

Sound harsh isn't it, that'll teach them a hard lesson about responsibility and common sense.


Thank god, my parents let me play games hardcore, but only RPGs, nothing else lol, it was very frustating for me because there were puzzles that was ALMOST impossible to solve. I had to call few of my friends to come over and drink mountain dews just to figure out the damn puzzle.
Thank god, my parents let me play games hardcore, but only RPGs, nothing else lol, it was very frustating for me because there were puzzles that was ALMOST impossible to solve. I had to call few of my friends to come over and drink mountain dews just to figure out the damn puzzle.

I hope you're not temp'n to try out Venom juice :-P .

I understand what you mean about puzzle to solve. Been there playing Myst, Riven, Exile III, URU, and End of Age game. It's all puzzle and I did cheat some and figured out some. Developer admitted that they realized that they made game too hard for anyone to play which is why they allow cheats. I just simply save game and go back later next day to figure it out.


If they had practiced family dinner time with everyone sitting around the table, and kept the computer in a public area of the house, then maybe this wouldn't have happened.

Kids shouldn't be allowed to hole up in their rooms for hours at a time.

I've seen people actually prepare for gaming marathons.

One guy had a mini fridge and a microwave set up in his room with all the Hot Pockets and energy drinks (water too) that he could consume during that time. He was set! (Of course, the bathroom was 5 feet away.

Can't say the same for Cartman from South Park.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xgp5yGk9nY]Cartman craps on his mom - YouTube[/ame]

I've seen people actually prepare for gaming marathons.

One guy had a mini fridge and a microwave set up in his room with all the Hot Pockets and energy drinks (water too) that he could consume during that time. He was set! (Of course, the bathroom was 5 feet away)....
Did he regularly bathe and brush his teeth? Change his clothes? Empty the Hot Pockets trash? :giggle:

What about gamers' cardiovascular health? How do they keep their blood circulating? Do they run? Good blood flow keeps the mind sharp, too.

I guess marathon gamers have jobs with flexible hours, or they work from home.

My grandson likes to play games (he has quite a setup) but he also takes advanced classes at school, skateboards, goes places with the family, goes to the gym on a regular schedule to work out, works part time, and has a girlfriend. He likes to camp, shoot, cook, and fish. As a family, they also play board games together. They keep the big screen TV and all gaming stuff in the family room, not in the bedroom. He's not allowed to become a hermit.
I am hardcore gamer and I play COD games, Mass effect 3, and etc. Everyday, sometimes all day. Timer won't work for me. I'd need someone to order to me get off but sometimes I refuse then they would threaten me and I would get off easily haha. I get pisses off very easily during online plays by people around me in the house. but for single plays, I don't care.
But I do have common sense, I'd take a break for restroom, eating the foods, drinks, and sleep.
Did he regularly bathe and brush his teeth? Change his clothes? Empty the Hot Pockets trash? :giggle:

What about gamers' cardiovascular health? How do they keep their blood circulating? Do they run? Good blood flow keeps the mind sharp, too.

Well, running to restroom is one thing lol. Some of these people don't always have common sense or just don't care.
Did he regularly bathe and brush his teeth? Change his clothes? Empty the Hot Pockets trash? :giggle:

What about gamers' cardiovascular health? How do they keep their blood circulating? Do they run? Good blood flow keeps the mind sharp, too.

I guess marathon gamers have jobs with flexible hours, or they work from home.

My grandson likes to play games (he has quite a setup) but he also takes advanced classes at school, skateboards, goes places with the family, goes to the gym on a regular schedule to work out, works part time, and has a girlfriend. He likes to camp, shoot, cook, and fish. As a family, they also play board games together. They keep the big screen TV and all gaming stuff in the family room, not in the bedroom. He's not allowed to become a hermit.
If they're wise enough, they will take breaks between games. Some gamers have headphones that allows them to talk with other gamers. If they're playing games like World of Warcraft, they can stop somewhere in the game (where there's no threat or fighting) and take turns watching out for each other. "Hey! Some dude is approaching us! He looks like he's going to attack us!" Then the player can rush back to his computer.

Some hardcore gamers actually schedule their flexible work shifts around their gaming. For instance, a full-time employee (who works retail and can do day or night shifts) will schedule Sunday to Thursday (works the morning shift on Thursday), then begin gaming on Thursday night until Monday evening before getting a full night's sleep and beginning work on Tuesday (until Saturday for his full-time schedule). Some even use vacation time.

I have a friend who was lucky enough to attend a LAN party at his friend's work. They let my friend (along with a few others) use office computers for Duke Nukem 3D gaming all night Friday and all day Saturday. :)
I am hardcore gamer and I play COD games, Mass effect 3, and etc. Everyday, sometimes all day. Timer won't work for me. I'd need someone to order to me get off but sometimes I refuse then they would threaten me and I would get off easily haha. I get pisses off very easily during online plays by people around me in the house. but for single plays, I don't care.
One year at RIT, I was living on an all-boys floor in the dorms. 95% of them were gamers. 75% would leave their doors open all day long (as long as they were in the room). 30% of them would leave their doors open (even while sleeping or not in the room).

Anyways, during that year... almost everyone on the floor played Counter Strike. You could hear a bunch of taunting, screaming, etc... throughout the hallway. "Yeah!" "Sonofabitch!" "Watch out!" "Whoa!" "Shit!" Hehehe!

One guy had a roommate that moved out leaving him with a 2-people dorm room for the remainder of the year. He brought back his second computer from home (he brought it back when he went home for Christmas break) and installed it with a "hover bot". There was no rule for "hover bots" since they can't shoot or anything, but he took advantage of it by using it to watch his back during gameplay. He had both monitors next to each other. ;)

Yes, time can fly extremely fast when you're playing video games. It happens often when I'm playing Command & Conquer. One night, I was playing against a friend via modem. We started around 5 pm. It was a long intense battle, but when the game was finally over... it was 6 am! Other times, I'll get up early one morning and start playing. By the time I realize it, it's 9 pm and I haven't had anything to eat or drink!