oh oh, Steel's new GF


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
damn how dare you destory my privacy? :mad:

that was supposed to be between me and her NOT you! I want to know how you got that picture out of her computer or even mine!

MODS! I kept begging you to ban her but why can't when she keeps getting into people's business?

just kkkkkkkkkkkkiddding....of course, she's pretty damn hot and I would be one damn lucky bastard if I have her lol
I can look like that, all I have to do put my boobs up like that
and then have my hair nice and all...
and put on some makeup, and stuff like that. :dance2:
Ok, Miss. P, snap to it; we are waiting to see the results! LOL!
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I can look like that, all I have to do put my boobs up like that
and then have my hair nice and all...
and put on some makeup, and stuff like that. :dance2:
prove it.
and if I look like that, will you guys give me your phone numbers
and take me out on a date, and french kiss me and alll of that???

Pvt. Parts said:
Hey Steel, get that woman to show you her O face. :lick:
sure, I can get some woman besides Miss P to show her my giant "O" face :P
I will be SMAHT said:
wow, i am so jealous, i wanna be that girl!
:Oops: congrats steel :applause:
who says you have to be like that girl? :P
LovelyBlkGal said:
*push Miss P away from Steel* then * i m give :kiss: on Steel* :rofl: j/kj/k
:dizzy: I think I'm getting abit TOO popular around black chicks on AD lately...

Steel said:
:dizzy: I think I'm getting abit TOO popular around black chicks on AD lately...


Steel said:
get the hell away from me!!! ><

See there, that is why I don't want men,
cause men will used me as bait to get more
ladies to come to him.

Yep, ladies see me chasing after Steel, and
they feel sorry for him, and think he must be
very special, then they will come and rescue

And I don't want to be a bait. :|