Oh My!....what's that smell?

it awful one lets rip without permission in public..i wish people try control them in me house not always possible,it soooooooooo embrassing
Funny how this brought up and recently on the news (I can't remember which one) that talk about problem at work...so I decided to google it and found one

Formal Reprimand Issued To Flatulent Federal Worker | The Smoking Gun

The story read that the man was gonna purchase some "Gax-X"....but he needs to see a Doctor!...Passing gas all day long?....Don't blame the other employees complaining....and not helping him with any work....

Hope no one in that Office ever lights up a Cigarette....:giggle:...Maybe some very thick "butt padding" would temporarily hold the farts in until he could see a doctor?....Seems he really has a problem here....

As bad as it is the employees could take up a collection if he can't afford a doctor...and wear "gas masks" until something is done....Just don't believe I could work in an environment like that without saying "take that, Mr. Fart!" and whack him in the head.....:laugh2:
Well, I dont know what it is/was... but my farts always smelled like what I ate. If I had beef stew it smelled like beef stew... it was funny because my wife and kids always said my farts smelled good. Now since i had my gall bladder removed in august this year, My farts have reeked to high heavens, god awful smelling.
Anyways, went to walmart one night with the family and the 13 yo stepson whos a terror kept farting in the van, I mean, watery eyes, runny nose, gagging almost puking smell and he is proud of it. I told him if he didnt stop or wait to get out I will make it payback time... so he choose the lesser of the 2 evils and kept on with it.
So, in walmart I felt one brewing, he kept mouthing off and all ( the terror ) so I ran over, pinned him to the wall and farted a nice loud stinky on him... His mom was laughing so hard and some people walking by busted out with a gut laughter and about fell on the floor. I told him Payback was a B.....
He was so embarrased and he doesnt fart in the van anymore either.
The story read that the man was gonna purchase some "Gax-X"....but he needs to see a Doctor!...Passing gas all day long?....Don't blame the other employees complaining....and not helping him with any work....

Hope no one in that Office ever lights up a Cigarette....:giggle:...Maybe some very thick "butt padding" would temporarily hold the farts in until he could see a doctor?....Seems he really has a problem here....

As bad as it is the employees could take up a collection if he can't afford a doctor...and wear "gas masks" until something is done....Just don't believe I could work in an environment like that without saying "take that, Mr. Fart!" and whack him in the head.....:laugh2:

That guy went to see the doc, told the doc he farted all the time ( and farting while talking to the doc numberous times) and saying its funny that they dont smell
Doc said he knew what the problem was and they needed to do surgery. the guy told the doc he was uncomfortable with having his butt operated on, Doc said: Who said anything about your butt? We are gonna operate on your nose you smelly SOB !
Found this, Had to share...lol


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where er you be let your wind be free,i no remember rest of ditty