Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))
Verizon costs more for data plan than Sprint or AT&T by the way. I wouldn't touch them unless Jclarke gives me money to buy the phone and the data plan for 2 years.
55 a month for my new phone..lol it's not bad
Now, your asking me for money?Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))
Verizon costs more for data plan than Sprint or AT&T by the way. I wouldn't touch them unless Jclarke gives me money to buy the phone and the data plan for 2 years.
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))
Verizon isn't still for me. I got good reasons and Ill stick with Sprint or AT&T.
Now, your asking me for money?
Too bad I don't live in America
Wrong thread, I didn't ask anyone to poke my toy, did I?*poke at duck's tummy*
55 a month for my new phone..lol it's not bad
It is $65 with insurance.
Now, your asking me for money?
Too bad I don't live in America
Nothing to wrong with Sprint. VZ is great clear voice for hearing people. Sprint is great plan for Deaf people. You will happy with Sprint over ATT in your area.
55 a month for my new phone..lol it's not bad
Too much money.
really, why does it have to be "too much money"
It all depends on everyone's "affordability" no one can not force one another to make it more cheaper, but that's considered lucky - for me, as an australian I pay $85 a month for my iPhone, and yes, it would be "too much money" to you - basically, to me, it is not, it is part of the package I have, and to its "affordability" I can afford at that price.
There is no such thing as fail, because we, in Australia have better SSI/SSDI type for deaf people who have no job, compared to these SSI/SSDI type benefits in the U.S.Well, $ 80 or more per month for hearing U.S. customers. $50/mo or less for deaf customers. Australian providers don't have accessibility plan for deaf iphone users??? Fail!!!