After being here since 2003, I've found a few funny while I was here.
^Angel^ even through she my sister, (Which has nothing to do with it) I found her funny at times here in AllDeaf.
Levonian and bbnt kills me with laughters when they post to eachother.

Mayflower, When she makes fun of her husband. I found that funny too.
Nozobo and Oakley_04, Those two can be funny at times also.
Tousi, I gotta say his posts I found funny too, even when he is being silly.
Sabrina, I found her funny at times too when she picks on people for fun.
Oddball, She is funny when she makes fun of bbnt. I love it when she tease him so much.

Defee, Since she doesn't post much, I've seen some of her posts that made me laugh.
Tweetybirdie, She can be funny at times too after all she is a tweetybird.
This is all I can think of members on the top of my head at this moment.