Obesity= A very serous topic

Doctors and nurses around the country agree that obesity is the number one health problem these days.

Someone suggested to me that a good way to get people to start monitoring their weight is to make it more costly to be obese.

IE: Higher insurance costs, pay by the pound when flying airlines, etc.

As unrealistic as it it, I could live with that.
Pvt. Parts said:
IE: Higher insurance costs, pay by the pound when flying airlines, etc.

And Insurance and airlines gonna get sued because of weight discrimination and lawyers are line up to take these cases to court.
ravensteve1961 said:
And Insurance and airlines gonna get sued because of weight discrimination and lawyers are line up to take these cases to court.

And Kirstie Alley will never be able to fly again. :lol:
Liebling:-))) said:
First of all, I ask is drink. What you drink? How many you drink a day? Do you execrise? simple walk 30 minutes or ride with bicycle?
Well, alcohol is part of the problem. We’re both fond of our beer and wine, and I’m a little overly fond. ;) So we really do need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages with dinner and after dinner. As for exercise, I walk about a mile a day, but Mayflower is woefully neglect in that department. She’s starting to go for evening walks around the neighborhood, though.
I will be SMAHT said:
how many miles can u lose 360 calories while on treadmills?

2 miles.... but I used from 5.0 to 6.0 level, it is like walking uphill
and speed from 2.0 to 2.3 mph

I was walking walking walking walking walking for an 1 hour.

The white young nice shape man next to me, was running on threadmill
I think he used speed about 5.0 mph with 0.0 level (flat land)
he was on that for 15 minutes... and he lost 283 calories.....
He stopped, cause he was tired after that.

So why I wanna run for 15 minutes, when I can walk for an hour and
lose more calories, without being tired.

It wasn't boring when I walked for an hour, cause they had 8 televisions
with CNN, FoxNews, and other channels...
So all I had to do is walk while I watched tv... it was cool.
I can't do anything to stop the obesity people to eat junk food or real food either. That is their decision into their life, not mines. I am a average person. I eat some junk food and real food. If they are not happy with the obesity themselves then they need to see their doctors to give them an advice for the nurtinion food. The doctors will help you right nurtinion food for you.
I want you count how many mc donalds resturants in your area within 20 mile radus. I counted 4 in my area. That is the problem theyre are WAY!!! Too many mc donalds resturants.
HiBluE01 said:
I am a average person. I eat some junk food and real food.

The average American is overweight, are you aware of that? Not obese, but overweight.

Therefore, America is in trouble.
Banjo said:
The average American is overweight, are you aware of that? Not obese, but overweight.

Therefore, America is in trouble.
Are you sure? Take a look in ohio. Plenty of obese people there. 1 out of ever 4 people in ohio are obese.And it starts with children.The republicans are right. Take away the federal school lunch program and start making parents buy lunch for their kids.
ravensteve1961 said:
Are you sure? Take a look in ohio. Plenty of obese people there. 1 out of ever 4 people in ohio are obese.And it starts with children.The republicans are right. Take away the federal school lunch program and start making parents buy lunch for their kids.

Actually, from what I know... Texas is the fattest state in the USA. 5 cities in Texas are in the top 10 for the fattest cities in the USA.

2. Houston - 1
3. Dallas - 9
4. San Antonio - 13
6. Fort Worth - 16
8. Arlington - NR

These cities were ranked in these order last year, and the numbers at the end of each city is their rank the year before. Imagine... 5 cities in the top 10 in one state... out of 50 states!

9. Cleveland - 6
10. Columbus - 8

Both of these are the only cities in Ohio to be ranked in the top 10 and they are dropping.

ravensteve1961 said:
Heres an idea.Why not have an nationwide boycott Burger King & Mcdonalds week? For one week no one goes into Burger King & Mcdonalds . But you can support taco bell,wendys and pizza hut. I hope theres a group gets media attention and encorage people not to eat at mc donalds and burger king for one week.And see the reaction mc donalds and burger king would get.

Just the burger chains? Why not boycott all of the fast food? Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, etc are also considered fast food and they do offer bad foods as well. The burger chains are also getting into health fad as they are offering up salads, white meat nuggets, apples, etc.
For a long time, I eat at those fast food joints and they had affected my weight big time. Guess what?
I took responsiblity of my own. I do not decide to sue them cuz I'm the one who knew about the risks of eating at fast food joints. I decided to cut back on visiting those places and it helped me tremendously by shedding weight.
So it's not just fast food, it's an individual's responsibility regardless of what kind of food they put out.
Levonian said:
Where is my brain today? I completely forgot to mention that it’s nice to have you back. I hope you stick around for awhile. :)

:) Thank you! It's so nice to be back... life got in the way for a while, but I am very glad to be back on AD! :)

I plan on sticking around yeah! :)
ravensteve1961 said:
There should be stricter laws against obesity.I think now our government should declare war on obesity. I think congress and the senate should make these laws to protect peoples health. Heres what i want done about companies who put illegal ingredents like salt & sugar in the food. An inspector shall inspect radomly foods in stores and resterants. If caught you pay at $100,000 fine as a warning. Second offense $500,000 fine. Third offense $3,000,000 fine. fouth offense government shall close your business down permintly.

About making laws on sugar and etc... would you like your government arresting your dear old grandmother for baking cookies and sweets for her grandchildren? How about those girl scouts selling cookies to raise money for their tribe (or whatever it is called in their group)?

As one of the posting about cheeseburger law....
Are you gonna sue or arrest yourself for making yourself a hamburger at home knowing what kind of food you put in there? Or your father doing a grill outdoor with the burgers that may put McDonald's or Burger King to shame?
ravensteve1961 said:
Well i have type 2 diabetes which might have caused from mc donalds.I ran to my lawyer in april to tried to file a lawsuit against mc donalds. My lawyer say you cant sue mc donalds cause you have type 2 diabetes and the fact you went into a diabetic acoma.He says its because congress and the senate passed cheeseburger laws to prevent people suing fast food resteraunts anymore. This is why i want bush thrown out of office and impeached.Cause the man doesnt care about other peoples healths. If he cared he would have compromised and sign that stem cell bill would helped people the damaged mc donalds did to them.

I don't need no president to tell me or guide me how to eat. This is a free country. Burger King had released a humgous(sp?) sandwich - Omelette wich or something like that. Does that make me want to go and munch on it? hell no! I am trying to shed my excessive poundages and eating that won't help my cause. This is what it is called personal responsibilty. I have made a decision not go in and buy that 700+ calories of a single food. The president did not tell me to go there and buy it to support their business. If he did, then he'll have to KMA.

What about other places? Hardee has the tendency to release those belly-busting burgers - Monster burger or something. They go up to 700 or more calories. Geez.... Last year, the Health section on the news has rated the Border Bowls from Taco Bell as bad food since they go up to 700 calories a bowl. What are those fast food thinking?
If you saw that documentry how a guy eat at mc donalds for 1 month how just how bad and dangerous his health turn by just eatting at mc donalds you would agree we need laws against sugar & salt products.He was in perfect health in the begining and weighed only 185 LBS and weighed 211 in 30 days in an experment he only ate at mc donalds.So watch the movie called "Super Size me" ok?
ravensteve1961 said:
If you saw that documentry how a guy eat at mc donalds for 1 month how just how bad and dangerous his health turn by just eatting at mc donalds you would agree we need laws against sugar & salt products.He was in perfect health in the begining and weighed only 185 LBS and weighed 211 in 30 days in an experment he only ate at mc donalds.So watch the movie called "Super Size me" ok?

And your point is? We all already know that McDonald's is unhealthy. If you think they serve healthy food, then I am sorry to tell you that you are a fool! You need to go to a nuritions class.
ravensteve1961 said:
And it starts with children.The republicans are right. Take away the federal school lunch program and start making parents buy lunch for their kids.

Are you for real???

Many low income parents cannot afford nutritious lunches for their children. Federal lunch program has improved if not perfect but a lot better than having parents not feedin their kids or giving them processed food as they are cheaper.

You keep forgetting that being healthy is not just eating right but also exercising too. Republicans have slashed education budgets thus there are many more schools with no or fewer physical education courses or programs.
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