Obama's future secretary of state?

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McCain has extensive experience in this kind of matter. Hillary has extensive experience in OTHER kind of matter. Therefore - it makes a nice good little team, don't you think?

To be honest, not really. Given McCain's temper, I don't think he'd be a good fit for Secretary of Defense.
To be honest, not really. Given McCain's temper, I don't think he'd be a good fit for Secretary of Defense.

Personally - SECDEF is not supposed to be somebody's friend. This is a tough job that requires a tough person to handle tough situations. Fortunately - he's not a Commander-in-Chief... :cool2:

I actually liked Rumsfield. Too bad he mishandled a couple of things that went bad but overall - I think he did his job pretty well under extremely difficult and impossible situations. I imagine he did not like the idea of Gitmo Camp but 9/11 was a very unique situation and we're fighting against nameless terrorists whose Geneva Convention rights do not apply.
Personally - SECDEF is not supposed to be somebody's friend. This is a tough job that requires a tough person to handle tough situations. Fortunately - he's not a Commander-in-Chief... :cool2:

I actually liked Rumsfield. Too bad he mishandled a couple of things that went bad but overall - I think he did his job pretty well under extremely difficult and impossible situations. I imagine he did not like the idea of Gitmo Camp but 9/11 was a very unique situation and we're fighting against nameless terrorists whose Geneva Convention rights do not apply.

I just think McCain is too much of a "hothead" to deal with defense issues in a diplomatic manner.

As for the second half of your post, I couldn't agree more.
How do you all feel about McCain possibly being chosen as Secretary of Defense? Can't say that I have an opinion one way or the other -- at least not yet.


I don't want him to have ANY job in the Obama Adminstration. He scares me.
For Secretary of State...I say Hillary or Bill Richardson. My pick is Richardson as he has been the SOS under the Big Dog before so that brings a lot of experience to the table. Plus Hillary will do better to stay in her Senate seat and keep a Democratic majority in the Senate.

And for McCain? I would rather let him have Secretary of the NAVY. At least he can go out a Navy man like his father and grandfather, but with a distinction: Since he didnt make Admiral like Daddy and Grandaddy did. That civilian post has more power than a full Admiral so JSM III can finally top both of them and not have the rank of Admiral. The only people he would be subject to is the Secretary of Defense and President Obama.

An advantage of the McCain appointment to the Secretary of Navy is that if he resigns his Senate seat, AZ's Dem governor can appoint a Dem to take McCain's seat should the Chambliss win the GA Senate runoff in December or Al Franken lose recount in Minnesota.

Trust me President Obama's a tricky chess player thinking 5 moves ahead :)
I wouldn't mind if McCain will be SECDEF, he's great with military stuff, regardless on parties.
Pinky - I'm not too sure about Hillary Clinton being Secretary of State but I would support her. I have heard of some rumor about Obama Administration letting McCain in.... possibly Secretary of Defense... or maybe Secretary of State. Who knows? I really hope Obama would just announce it immediately... especially US Attorney General. I want to see many under Bush Administration be held accountable.

That's true. Hillary was upset with Obama for not ask her to be running mate for VP. Obama picked Biden for VP then secretary. Where did you hear from Obama administration letting McCain in?

I hope for Obama to be security in White House. I don't want to see happen to him because of MLK and JFK. You know. It's pretty difficult for Obama to be security from attack and racism.
To be honest, not really. Given McCain's temper, I don't think he'd be a good fit for Secretary of Defense.

McCain's personality to be temper. He is Virgo/Rat. Virgo is very crankiness. Rat can be temper too. :D
That's true. Hillary was upset with Obama for not ask her to be running mate for VP. Obama picked Biden for VP then secretary. Where did you hear from Obama administration letting McCain in?

I hope for Obama to be security in White House. I don't want to see happen to him because of MLK and JFK. You know. It's pretty difficult for Obama to be security from attack and racism.

Obama, McCain to meet Monday to talk cooperation
I wouldn't mind if McCain will be SECDEF, he's great with military stuff, regardless on parties.

oh wait..... how can i forget this dude?? Robert Gates!
How do you all feel about McCain possibly being chosen as Secretary of Defense? Can't say that I have an opinion one way or the other -- at least not yet.

Rotten idea and Obama knows it.

Do not let McCain near a trigger.
Rotten idea and Obama knows it.

Do not let McCain near a trigger.

I've done some thinking about this and feel exactly the same way. I hope and pray that Obama doesn't appoint McCain to this position.
McCain, IMO, he might be a good in military background but there are few great people with strong military background. I highly strong against John McCain but I am not neither Dem or Rep. Few country out of USA dislikes him that much but if Obama have someone else that is new face to other people in ohter country and might be able to get along as long as it doesn't conflicted with us. That is IMO. But if Obama prefers to pick him or Hilary Clinton. Wait and see what happen. I just dont want to go through like JFK era.
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