Obama's day at the beach (Louisiana Beach)

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Jeebus, I did not think people would throw a fit over a couple of animated gifs that are for humor.

Guess I'm walking over people's sensitivities again. :| Bad me! :mad2:
With what ethnic background? Asian covers several difference ethnicities, and several different languages.

I remember saying I like Asian food to someone and then when she said I never heard of Asian food. I wished I had explained I was too lazy to say I love Chinese food, Thai food, Indian food and Japanese food. I was just too lazy.. :P
Jeebus, I did not think people would throw a fit over a couple of animated gifs that are for humor.

Guess I'm walking over people's sensitivities again. :| Bad me! :mad2:

The ones you are referring to have no sensitivities. And no sense of humor, either!
I remember saying I like Asian food to someone and then when she said I never heard of Asian food. I wished I had explained I was too lazy to say I love Chinese food, Thai food, Indian food and Japanese food. I was just too lazy.. :P

Jeebus, I did not think people would throw a fit over a couple of animated gifs that are for humor.

Guess I'm walking over people's sensitivities again. :| Bad me! :mad2:

Speaking of sensitivities, you were the one who threw that out over the words "tar baby."
Speaking of sensitivies, you were the one who threw that out over the words "tar baby."

Just can't resist using that offensive term, can you?:roll: Like I said, you have no sensitivities.
Controversal? In what way? I didn't say "baby tar" in the first place.

tar babies=black

kinda hard not to make assumptions. :hmm:

I remember a certain book that my kindergarten class had, that had racial connotations, and I believe this is the one my class had...


I was 5ish years old (1985) at the time so I had no idea about the racial connections the book had when I was that age. It was just a book to me back then...I did not understand. I didn't know at 5 years old that it had anything to do with African Americans and racism back then, I thought nothing bad of African Americans back then at that age and still don't think anything bad of them even now, so I didn't realize the racial connections back then, but I began to realize it as I grew older what this book was really about. But when I went to college in 2001 and learned a lot more in sociology about racism, this book came to mind, and I shared what I remembered of this book with my sociology class and it turned out I was correct about the racial connections the book had that I realized as I grew older. I would never allow that book and any other books of that kind in my house, I don't want my future children to learn negative things like this. I want my children to respect everyone regardless of their skin color or where they came from or any such thing.

Sorry for going off topic a bit.
My mother named my little sister's cat Tarbaby. I'd never name a black cat that.
I remember a certain book that my kindergarten class had, that had racial connotations, and I believe this is the one my class had...


I was 5ish years old (1985) at the time so I had no idea about the racial connections the book had when I was that age. It was just a book to me back then...I did not understand. I didn't know at 5 years old that it had anything to do with African Americans and racism back then, I thought nothing bad of African Americans back then at that age and still don't think anything bad of them even now, so I didn't realize the racial connections back then, but I began to realize it as I grew older what this book was really about. But when I went to college in 2001 and learned a lot more in sociology about racism, this book came to mind, and I shared what I remembered of this book with my sociology class and it turned out I was correct about the racial connections the book had that I realized as I grew older. I would never allow that book and any other books of that kind in my house, I don't want my future children to learn negative things like this. I want my children to respect everyone regardless of their skin color or where they came from or any such thing.

Sorry for going off topic a bit.

I tried to copy and paste the same pic but the Internet wouldnt let me.

When I saw the terminology, immediately I thought of this book.
yes, and that came after "baby tar," too. It's not controversial. No context was given but only in your own imagination.

See post #110
Speaking of sensitivities, you were the one who threw that out over the words "tar baby."

I'm not going to attempt to explain. Sorry to say buddy, you've been blind-sided. :wave:
You don't get it do you? See post #15 which I saw it as rather suggestive but used in a benign way. Though I'm not the one complaining here.

baby tar. tar baby. major difference in tone and context.

And it was a very small ball; perhaps we could call it a "baby tar"?

Hmmm.... tar baby?

way too obvious there. I think one should follow Glenn Beck's example.
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