Obama's arrogance turned of International Olympics Committee

Let me get this right... you KNOW that games drain our money and is relieved that we won't have one here yet you Bash Obama for failing to convince Olympics to be hosted here?

That's twisted. Your agenda is crystal clear - you hate Obama, period.


There's complaining to be done and, by God, it will be done!
Let me get this right... you KNOW that games drain our money and is relieved that we won't have one here yet you Bash Obama for failing to convince Olympics to be hosted here?

That's twisted. Your agenda is crystal clear - you hate Obama, period.

You have it backward.
I put out two or three links that talked about how it is a drain on cities that host Olympic games. In fact, that is a common result to see massive debts as a result. Name one Olympic game that showed massive profits over the last 40 years.

I'm thanking Obama for showing up at the IOC because that ensured Chicago from not getting the bid. Watch CNN, and the anchors and reporters who covered the crowd had smug faces who were so sure that Chicago would get the bid simply because Obama showed up for a few hours at the IOC?
Maybe Obama had other things to worry about such as the economy for one.

It cost $900,000 the Obama to fly to Demark! , that does not sound like he it too worried about spending tax payers money! That money could had been spend better on something else, like the homeless families living in tent cities!
Winter is coming and we had familes living in camping ground , they're not camping out , they live there all year round!
Keep in mind it wasn't just Obama there. He had powerhouses like Oprah Winfrey working with Michelle Obama as well.

“As Barack and I have looked at this, this is like a campaign,” Mrs. Obama told some 300 Olympians and other Chicagoans gathered in downtown Copenhagen.
“Just like Iowa,” she said. “You got to — and the international community may not understand that, but Iowa is like a caucus, and you can’t take any vote for granted. Nobody makes the decision until they’re sitting there.”
And, perhaps in a pre-cursor to Friday’s formal pitch before the IOC, Mrs. Obama talked about what hosting the Olympics in Chicago might mean for local children living in poverty.
Copied from another thread related to this issue:

Originally Posted by kokonut
Great news!

The Olympics has become an increasingly money drain on those who host it. It would've bled Chicago dry and I'm sure Congress would've drawn up another bailout bill for Chicago's idiocy.

So which is it? You are glad? Did Obama get something right?

BTW nice way to work
The deficit, which has spiraled out of control because of Obama

into another totally unrelated topic.

I certainly wish people would stop quoting you. It does no good for me to read ranting from you. There are many people that have less than you, and you keep your foot across their throats as much as possible.
My problem is with anyone who uses ill-conceived rhetoric and fallacious reasoning to construct their arguments. The problem with anything is rarely the argument itself, but rather the way the argument is rationalized and justified. To quote McLuhan, "The medium is the message." Of course, in most cases, a poor argument can only be rationalized using faulty rhetoric, so it's null from the get-go.Yes, you see this happening on both sides of the alley, but right now, it's the nutcases like the teabaggers and Fox News carrying the mantle. Don't worry, the liberal whackjobs will show up soon enough once the honeymoon with Obama is over, but let's handle this one "moran" at a time, shall we? :D

oooo! very good line! I gotta remember that. :ty:
Read carefully. I said it'l create a debt problem. Read the links I provided where games were held. Look at the Montreal games where it took 30+ years to pay off their massive debt. Not bitchin...relieved!!

so why are you bitching if Obama didn't do enough to get some votes for Chicago? If Obama got us a shot for Olympic, you would bitch that it will create debt problem.

you're not making any sense there, bubba. I give up. :dunno:
ye gods....didnt think chicago's money problem was that bad. good thing they didnt get the bid.

Chicago Olympics Bid Bruised by Failure to Watch Parking Meters - Bloomberg.com

Ye Gods! More fallicious argument based on circular reasoning!:roll: AD is being overtaken by it lately. Do you really think anyone takes your posts seriously at this point, kokonut?
Ye Gods! More fallicious argument based on circular reasoning!:roll: AD is being overtaken by it lately. Do you really think anyone takes your posts seriously at this point, kokonut?

Yet further proof you're stalking him. :giggle: