Obama signs ILY

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Yea.... that's lame to me.

Also, hasn't it occurred to anyone that this picture may be just Obama making a hand gesture that looks like ILY? I actually have caught myself making ILY signs while talking.

Nope. I honestly think it was genuine.
Well, Jillio can tell you that Obama had 4 terps at the rally she attended. My sister also attended an Obama rally in Milwaukee and said there were 4 terps.

Pinky said there were 2 terps at the Palin rally she attended.

As for McCain rallies, the following website discusses a single terp who appeared at a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa:

Department of American Sign Language and Interpreter Education Established :)//URLFAN)

And I can also tell you when Palin spoke in my town last week, there were no terps. A friend of mine took his mother to the rally, even though he is an Obama supporter. (He was cecretly hoping that after seeing Palin in person, his mother would see the errors in her logic!). Anyway, I specifically asked him to check for terps. There were none. And I trust his report, as he is fully capable of recognizing a terp when he sees one, as he is certified in mental health care for the deaf, and is a fluent signer himself.
And I can also tell you when Palin spoke in my town last week, there were no terps. A friend of mine took his mother to the rally, even though he is an Obama supporter. (He was cecretly hoping that after seeing Palin in person, his mother would see the errors in her logic!). Anyway, I specifically asked him to check for terps. There were none. And I trust his report, as he is fully capable of recognizing a terp when he sees one, as he is certified in mental health care for the deaf, and is a fluent signer himself.

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