Obama Proposes Longer School Days, Extended School Year

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In my opinion, I think the school year should go year-round. There are way too many vacation days during the school year as it is.

It's funny that the kids in the USA are taught to respect other cultures, especially when those people come to the USA. They don't respect us, but we have to respect them. Go figure.

I don't see a problem with keeping the days off the same, but the sports programs need to be tightened, if not eliminated. If kids want sports, there are community centers all across the nation that offer these. Schools are for educating, not for sports.

Teachers have too many problem students in classrooms. I would favor the Socratical method of teaching to weed those students who want to be there from those who are wasting everyone's time.

Teachers also need to focus on teaching children, not on being "teachers." Big difference!

And get rid of those damn unions that want to "protect" lousy teachers!

There is a reason schools have sports practice, activites, and games AFTER SCHOOL..so that it doesn't occur during the school day. Therefore, what you said about schools being for educating only is moot.

I would not like it if there is nothing fun in class to do. Education should be fun, otherwise children will end up bored and not challenged and end up with no creativity. You can still educate and have fun while educating. It seems that children do better when their learning process is fun, not boring. If they enjoy learning they are more likely to get more involved in their own education, more likely to focus, etc. If they are bored they will tune out everything that is being taught.

And I would not give up on the students who are "troublemakers" or "wasting their time". There are many reasons some kids have behavioral problems or act up in class or just have no interest on what is being taught in class. Sometimes it is due to the bad home environment, other reasons could be psychiatric/psychological, or it could be due to a learning disability that the student is trying to cover up because they are embarrassed (such as a student who has dyslexia but is very embarrassed that he or she can't read so he or she ends up being the class clown so that the other students will not notice that he or she can't read because they are too entertained by that student - that student is afraid of being teased or bullied). I would not "weed out" the "good students" from those who are "wasting their time". If a kid is acting up in school or have no interest in what is being taught, there is usually a very significant reason. I was one of those students who acted up or otherwise had no interest in what was being taught in class. Guess what my reason was? I was being ABUSED at home by my dad's wife. I was frequently beaten up. Want to hear a story about the day she pinned me down on the kitchen floor and bashed my face with her fists? Or the weekend she ran a very very hot bath, forced me into the bath, and then took my head and bashed it down on the bottom of the bathtub which resulted in a nosebleed? Or the morning she woke me up for school by giving me a nosebleed? Let me know and I will PM you.

And, yes, I just read up on the Socratic Method as I have never heard of it up until now, and while that is interesting, the website that I just read about it from, it mentioned that three students still had no interest. It would still not be fair to "weed" out those students. You make it sound like those students who are "wasting time" are useless and should be kicked out. Why not get to the root of the problem instead of just kicking them out of class or school? If you got to the root of the problem of the non-interested/time waster student, then you will be able to get that student more interested in what is being taught once you get to the root of his or her problem and have worked on that problem with that student. If I were a teacher in that class with the 3 students I would never give up on those three students. To give up on those student is to condemn them to a dismal future. Is that fair?
To be equally pragmatic, shel, you're just a little younger than I am, but when we went to school, we had to work for good grades. The A's and B's that students are receiving today are equal to the C's and D's we got when we were that age.

By the way, a teacher friend of my brother's had said that, not me.

When I was a kid, school started the Thursday before Labor Day, one month for Christmas and the school year ended the first week in June.

I was referring to longer school days not extended school year. To add another 70 minutes to each day is not going to solve the problem. Kids and teachers will get more burnt out by the afternoon and both effective teaching and learning gets compromised which in turn, will waste everyone's time.

Where I work at..our last day of school is on June 10th and we resume school before Labor Day weekend. We do not have 3 months of summer vacation.
My mother did when she was a little girl. Two miles one way. All sorts of weather. Your children can handle it. My mother's house was also heated with a wood burning stove and that's how her mother cooked, even when it's hot.

Since you're complaining of the heat in Taxes, why stay there? Especially with the gang trash can kids?

In bold, you must means Texas.

I rather to live in humidity area over struck in heavily winter in midwest and northeast states, however midwest has very bad heatwave during summer in some years then not much difference from southeast states.

I got used with high humidity weather and it does got more benefit, such as make my skin so soft.

The newspapers here in the states are written at a seventh grade reading level because our schools are teaching kids (your generation and younger) at that level. The schools are dumbing down the kids and, as I said previously, the A's and B's today are equal to my generations C's and D's.

Now, what's this about the ******* USA you're talking about? You make it sound like our shit don't stink? Maybe that's the problem. Go drive your American car and brag how good they are when in reality they're crap and going bankrupt.

Oh man, you are very behind about news with American cars, they are improving their quality of car and work out with financial issue, along with one of auto company is filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 due needed to reorganization with other company and will get out of bankruptcy in this year.

It's nothing news about your comment are against American car, that's your wishes to kill them, man

Well, newspapers are designed for everyone to read because not everyone has college degree, even there's several people don't have HS degree either.
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In my opinion, I think the school year should go year-round. There are way too many vacation days during the school year as it is.

It's funny that the kids in the USA are taught to respect other cultures, especially when those people come to the USA. They don't respect us, but we have to respect them. Go figure.

I don't see a problem with keeping the days off the same, but the sports programs need to be tightened, if not eliminated. If kids want sports, there are community centers all across the nation that offer these. Schools are for educating, not for sports.

Teachers have too many problem students in classrooms. I would favor the Socratical method of teaching to weed those students who want to be there from those who are wasting everyone's time.

Teachers also need to focus on teaching children, not on being "teachers." Big difference!

And get rid of those damn unions that want to "protect" lousy teachers!

There's your post about criticize on right to work.
AllDeaf.com - View Single Post - Bullying an 11 yr old boy, killed himself.

You got mixed up, any states has right to work then none or small of teachers have union and if you don't want unionize on teachers then move to other state that has right to work law.
I just wanted to point out that the reason newspaper is in 7th grade level because they want people of all background to buy their newspaper. Rather they have learning disability or very intelligent. these people have the rights to know what is going on so they don't need a college level newspaper.
Actually before he became our President, he stated one of his major goals is to improve education for the children which he believes is very important to our country's future. So he kept his word and showed us that he is doing something about it.

Go watch the old tapes or something...if you have it. lol
Just because he said something while campaigning doesn't make it one of the presidential duties. Please show me in the U.S. Constitution where the President has authority to get involved with determining school years, curriculum, etc.

Americans don't need the Federal government taking even more control of the schools, and by extension, the children.

If schools become the providers (school breakfast, lunch, and medical care), caretakers (longer school days and years), and recreation (school organized sports), of what use will the parents be to the children? On whom will the children depend and put their trust? The schools, i.e., the government?

Who will pay for the extra salaries, transportation, facilities, utilities, etc.? If poor schools have trouble maintaining their facilities for nine months of the year now, how will they maintain them an additional three months of the year?
I just wanted to point out that the reason newspaper is in 7th grade level because they want people of all background to buy their newspaper. Rather they have learning disability or very intelligent. these people have the rights to know what is going on so they don't need a college level newspaper.
Yes, most newspapers, print and electronic, want a broad readership.
Exactly. In fact, his educational platform was one of the things that people agreed with highly.

And, if education isn't the President's concern, what's up with Bush's NCLB legislation?
As I recall, most people here complained about Bush's support of NCLB. If it was wrong for Bush to be involved in education, then it is equally wrong for Obama to be involved in education. It's not the President's job.

I didn't want Bush to control American schools, and I don't want Obama to control American schools. I don't want any President to control American schools.
yes, my little brother has a reading disability and I am glad they put it in the 7th grade level because it allow him to be informed what is going on.
Are you saying that it´s not President´s duty to take care of people and country but just war?
Not "just war." But Commander in Chief is a specific presidential duty.

Show me where in the U.S. Constitution that the President has the authority or responsibility to manage schools.

Why should we talk about Obama´s time and 70s when it belongs the past.
No one is making you "talk about Obama´s time and 70s." I talk about what I want, and you talk about what you want.

To me, more sports and hobby to add in school hours. I mean afternoon...
Why can't kids play sports and do hobbies with their parents? Why does it have to be the school?

*speechless* All what I say is wow :shock:

I thought you should be glad that Obama do not neglect his people and country. It´s great to know that Obama focus his country than spend his time on war issues.
Why should I be glad that Obama wants to take more influence from the parents and give it to the government, and then charge the parents to pay for his plan?

It´s good to know that Government involved because it´s about children´s future.
Who is responsible for the children's future? The parents are. The government is not. The best thing the federal government can do is to not interfere with family life.

Yes he is.
Yes he is what?

wow *speechless* :shock:
What's wrong?

Add sports, hobbies, reading, etc in long hours. My both boys have sports and crafts, reading, etc at most late afternoons.
Can't they read and do crafts at home? Can't they play aports with their friends without a school team?

Yes we learn to read map and other readings at school in 60s and 70s time including my boys as well. :confused:
So reading maps does not require technology, right?
Just because he said something while campaigning doesn't make it one of the presidential duties. Please show me in the U.S. Constitution where the President has authority to get involved with determining school years, curriculum, etc.

Americans don't need the Federal government taking even more control of the schools, and by extension, the children.

If schools become the providers (school breakfast, lunch, and medical care), caretakers (longer school days and years), and recreation (school organized sports), of what use will the parents be to the children? On whom will the children depend and put their trust? The schools, i.e., the government?

Who will pay for the extra salaries, transportation, facilities, utilities, etc.? If poor schools have trouble maintaining their facilities for nine months of the year now, how will they maintain them an additional three months of the year?

Gee, I wish someone had told Bush that education wasn't any of his concern before he royally messed things up with the worst thing that has happened to education in the last 100 years.....No Child Left Behind.

And, where, exactly, do you think the funding for education comes from, Reba? I don't know what century you are in, but for several years now schools have been the the providers of breakfast, lunch, and recreation.

Get No Child Left Behind out of the picture, equalize the funding, and there won't be any more "poor schools." There may be schools in poor areas, but without the idioacy of programs like No Child Left Behind that actually takes funding away from the poorest schools, opportunity for all children will be equalized.
A long time ago, I remember a 14 years old boy didn't attend at a public school because his education skill was so bad, and he cannot read the books. The law forces all children to attend the school and the longer days, then this boy, for example, will keep failing no matter that would make him more miserable, and even worse for him that won't able to find a job. His lousy parents would probably beat him hell that they have to obey the law. No Child Left Behind law (and extended school days) is a grave mistake.
most people today who struggle are usually put in LD class. maybe back then, they drop out but not today. They may drop out if kids tease him about being in LD class though
This is the best argument for longer school days:

"It is estimated that a week's worth of the New York Times contains MORE information than a person was likely to come across in a LIFETIME in the 18th century."

"it is estimated that 4 exabyetes of unique information will be created this year.... that's more than the past 5000 years!"

"amount of technical info doubles every two years.. for students starting 4 years technical degree, it means half of what they learned in first year of study will be outdated by third year of study."

"by 2013, a supercomputer will have computataional capabilities of the human brain. By 2049, a $1000 computer will have the computational capabilies of the ENTIRE world population!" (so far, we're still following the Moore's Law)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXUwXMl-R-4]YouTube - did you know[/ame]
As a future educator I must say that I agree with the decision to cut breaks or extend school days. Of course not without increasing teacher pay though.

Kids in the U.S. are significantly behind and I don't think it's the class size to blame. It's a number of factors: number of vacations, parents having to work with no time to spend continuing the schools education at home, large class sizes etc etc. However, I don't think larger class sizes plays that big of a role. I sat in overcrowded classrooms where there were so many of us there weren't enough desks so the rest of us had to sit at the computers with our backs to the teacher and this was an Honors class but we passed. Depending on the college/university you will probably see these large classes also but students succeed there as well.

It seems as if everytime you turn around American students are on some kind of break for even the smallest of holidays. College students don't get Columbus Day yet elementary, middle and high school do. Why not eliminate those smaller days that higher eduation doesn't get out of the public school holidays? I tutor 7-12th graders everyday who are barely reading on 3rd grade levels. My mom is a reading teacher and she teaches students who are in high school who are reading below the 3rd grade level that they need to be on to pass the state standardized test. I think that even if they just tested this theory on a small school they would find some significant improvements in grades and academic level.

If you think unemployment is high now just wait until our children can't compete in a global market and businesses start going overseas to hire better educated people. There won't be any jobs left for Americans if we can't compete globally or have some kind of leg up on countries like China and Japan especially when alot of American companies are already setting up shop in these places.
As a future educator I must say that I agree with the decision to cut breaks or extend school days. Of course not without increasing teacher pay though.

Kids in the U.S. are significantly behind and I don't think it's the class size to blame. It's a number of factors: number of vacations, parents having to work with no time to spend continuing the schools education at home, large class sizes etc etc. However, I don't think larger class sizes plays that big of a role. I sat in overcrowded classrooms where there were so many of us there weren't enough desks so the rest of us had to sit at the computers with our backs to the teacher and this was an Honors class but we passed. Depending on the college/university you will probably see these large classes also but students succeed there as well.

It seems as if everytime you turn around American students are on some kind of break for even the smallest of holidays. College students don't get Columbus Day yet elementary, middle and high school do. Why not eliminate those smaller days that higher eduation doesn't get out of the public school holidays? I tutor 7-12th graders everyday who are barely reading on 3rd grade levels. My mom is a reading teacher and she teaches students who are in high school who are reading below the 3rd grade level that they need to be on to pass the state standardized test. I think that even if they just tested this theory on a small school they would find some significant improvements in grades and academic level.

If you think unemployment is high now just wait until our children can't compete in a global market and businesses start going overseas to hire better educated people. There won't be any jobs left for Americans if we can't compete globally or have some kind of leg up on countries like China and Japan especially when alot of American companies are already setting up shop in these places.

And people complain that the average deaf child graduates with a 4th grade reading level!! That's their 2nd language! So deaf kids who r bilingual r probably ahead with reading! Lol
I don't know, I blame it on pop culture. People just quit caring about education and cared more about cussing and slangs and tv. (hey, if you got tv, why need to read newspaper?)

btw, Autism is on the rise too. Do you think that's a problem as well? Because back in those days, it was unheard of, and now it seem like a few of my cousins have autistic children.

And then I keep hearing it from my friends as well. that they have autistic children.
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