That's the one thing that made me frown. I considered Maher's joke tinged with racist overtones, not to mention stereo-typing blacks as how they talked or act. Just wasn't right in my viewpoint. In fact, In Glenn Beck show they had invited many black conservatives to his show to discuss politics, race, etc.... and one lady who runs Hip Hop Republicans website brought up the racist, stereotype people bring up about how one voice is expected to sound like.
videos are all captioned, too. Below is part I where they talked about "racist America," stereotypes and such. It's not what you'd expect. I enjoyed these shows whenever Beck invites these people onto his show.
YouTube - Glenn Beck 20100114 Part 1/4
And a whole bunch of them I watched...all captioned.
YouTube - glenn beck black
None of these suprised me but for some people I'm sure they'll find themselves suprised. About the whole message. There were a few who voted for Obama but has since become disgusted with him. Others never voted for the guy and saw right through. Others have their own reasons. Etc. But it was about race, racism, stereotypes, myths, politics and such. Watch these shows. They're very informative for those who are not familiar with the existence of black Conservatives/Republicans.