Yes, that much is true. This happened during the current administration. They kept taxes lower, and shifted problems and responsibilities to the next guy. I do not blame the Bush crew completely, but they were the group in charge these last 8 years. There has been a Bush disciple running the show in Minnesota, a guy that is all about low taxes. He was one of the VP candidates for McCain. He has been in charge for several years now. Funny how they had no money for a repair (gusset plates would not be a real arduous task to replace) but when the thing went down, they had no problem finding funds to rebuild it. As for the fence in Mexico, it must be loaded with holes. My last visual observation: there are more Hispanics working in my state that ever before, and by a large margin. Maybe they can give the Hispanics jobs down there, making repairs and reinforcing the fence? Heck, maybe they can give ME a job down there....