Not true. While Republicans took over, tax increase was PART of the deal and it was passed. It was Bush that passed the tax cuts.
What did I say that was untrue? I didn't deny that taxes went up. I argued that spending slowed down while the Republicans were in charge of Congress. On a trivial notes, the tax hikes occurred in 1993 before the Republicans took the Congress. In 1997, they even passed a tax relief bill. Still, the point remains- there were factors other than taxes (i.e. the advent of the internet and restraints on government spending) that caused the growth of the internet.
And I wonder why the government spending went up WHILE the revenues went down? In fact, 2/3 of all deficit we have is due to wars and Bush tax cuts. It becomes difficult.
Help me understand this. Democrats love to list off all the things Bush and the Republicans did to create large deficits. Yet the Republicans' largest deficit was just over $450 billion. Since Obama and the Democrats gained so much power in 2008, $1.5 trillion deficits have become the new norm. Why do you keep defending such a record by pointing out that the last guy was 1/3rd as bad? You can point out the wars, the tax cuts, etc., yet however bad you make it sound, the guy in power now is doing about 3 times worse. Why is that so hard to acknowledge?
By the way, revenues did go down through 2003 (no surprise given 9/11 and various corporate scandals), but increased after that until the financial crisis.
Non-sense. You cannot generate revenue in this times of economic recession; only way to do it is increase taxes - remember, the 40% tax rate is extremely significant compared to 30% for the middle class. It's what progressive tax is about. The top 10% has the wealth of the 90% and when you add more percent to tax rate for the top 5%, you see a HUGE revenue coming in. A lot of HUGE companies are making huge profits yet aren't hiring more people as we'd like to see.
You're right that it's hard to raise revenue in such stagnant times. But rather than focusing on taxing those with capital, shouldn't we focus on actually ending the stagnation? The economy would probably grow if the government would stop trying to meddle around with everything, cut out the regulatory uncertainty, stop demonizing those who have capital to create growth (aka the rich), and gain some credibility on the debt.
By the way, it's hard to milk more money out of the rich when they can easily put their money into places where taxes can't reach. As we saw from 2003 to 2007, the rich ended up paying a greater share of the tax bill because it made more sense for them to put their money in the private economy where it could be taxed, albeit at a lower rate.
We MUST increase the debt ceiling and for a radical right wing to say otherwise is just wanting to see Obama fail at any cost.
I agree the debt ceiling must be raised. The debt ceiling isn't the real problem. Anyway, good news- the House today passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling!
GOP pushes huge deficit-cutting bill through House - Yahoo! News
Now, I guess it's time to sit back and see if the Democrats in the Senate and the President will do the right thing for the country and pass the bill.