Obama A Smoker....

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So, if you don't care, then you're so silly. But it's good process for him to try quit.
I think people who says they wish they didn't vote for him are the ones who are being silly. I get so tired of America looking down on smokers, people die for many causes not just from smoking. Why don't we banned everything that is harm to us. Gawd! If he wants to smoke let him, he has that right of choice, It's America duh! Get over it people.
why else would he post this article?

You know, I bet you're so liberal that you don't know what you're liberal about, Hear Again! LOL!! I used to vote a straight Democrap ticket . . . until I woke up and said "enough." They've gone too far left wing. I highly doubt that Harry S. Truman would approve of the garbage that's going on now.
I don't care whether he's a smoker or not, it doesn't make any difference....lot of people smoke and they can be nice or mean people, doesn't matter at all.
Well, Obama better be careful in his future presidency, because of " contradiction " he could fall. At first, durin' campaign he sounded soo good and to be true to some Obama supporters who voted for him and, then when the campaign is over.... things will change a little bit to reveal himself who he really is, his true core.

Heads will roll for this one...:roll:
You know, I bet you're so liberal that you don't know what you're liberal about, Hear Again! LOL!! I used to vote a straight Democrap ticket . . . until I woke up and said "enough." They've gone too far left wing. I highly doubt that Harry S. Truman would approve of the garbage that's going on now.

actually pete, i'm not an extreme leftist. i'm middle of the road and there *are* some conservative principles that i believe in.

when i vote, i select the party that i feel is most qualified to lead this country be it republican or democrat.
You know, I bet you're so liberal that you don't know what you're liberal about, Hear Again! LOL!! I used to vote a straight Democrap ticket . . . until I woke up and said "enough." They've gone too far left wing. I highly doubt that Harry S. Truman would approve of the garbage that's going on now.

"democrap ticket." real original, pete. NOT. :roll:
Or he could be concern that the new administration isn't going to be holding up high standards --image wise of what the President should be.......

if you expect a president to maintain a *perfect* image, you're going to be sadly disappointed. none of the presidents we've ever had have had a perfect image -- not even st. ronnie.
Eh? Why does smoking have to be a big deal? It's not a big deal. I've came to known that there are other Presidents and VP before our time smoked too, either cigars or cigarettes such as John F Kennedy, Franklin Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, John Adams, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and so on.

Agreed. My mom and my sister are smokers too. :dunno: I dont see that BIG deal. Their choices...

I don't care if Obama is a smoker or not. :)

So if he did not want to quit you would not have voted for him?

Read it again. That's not what I mean.

I would like to see him quit but I would have voted for him either way. There was no way I was voting McCain or 3rd party.
Read it again. That's not what I mean.

I would like to see him quit but I would have voted for him either way. There was no way I was voting McCain or 3rd party.

Thats cool. I just can't see letting some thing like smoking be a factor in elections.
Smoking is a nasty habit. I quit smoking in 1997 and haven't had a puff til recently, a few months ago, i just had to smoke a few cigs because I missed the sensation I used to get from nicotine. But havent' smoked since then though.

Smoking is definitely not a factor for me if he manages to keep it low profile. I don't see him smoking in public so it's all ok with me.
Smoking is a nasty habit, but you don't see the tobaco companies asking for a bail out do you? Wonder why that is? :)
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