NZ makes plans for ebola outbreak

our defense mechanism is largely ineffective against virus - to be more specific... retrovirus. once a virus attaches itself to a cell... it's already too late. there's only so much white cells can do but it's too late anyway because ebola virus fatality rate is 90% and HIV is incurable.

you cannot keep taking antiviral cocktails for life. that's the whole point of nanobots. it will live inside you for a long time to protect yourself against virus. it would prevent a virus from attaching itself to a cell. white blood cell does not do that.

so it's totally doable. I don't think we'll ever find cure for HIV/AIDS/Ebola/etc. The best we can do is to prevent these virus from infecting our cells.
You mean like this as shown on TV series, "The Last Ship"?

If not, how? As Mew said, there is no cure. Once you have it, you have it. How would you prevent it in a subway or bus?
You mean like this as shown on TV series, "The Last Ship"?

If not, how? As Mew said, there is no cure. Once you have it, you have it. How would you prevent it in a subway or bus?

no. I'm talking about nanobots inside your bloodstream. I don't know what it would look like.

random google image search -



the point is - a virus will attach itself to a cell via receptor/inhibitor and then replicate itself to build an army which will eventually compromise your immune system and bone marrow. the reason why virus can easily slip thru and roam freely is because it's so tiny. it can easily slip thru cellular wall into nucleus (the center of blood cell). after a virus finishes replicating itself and bursting out of red blood cell... your blood cell dies. that's why a person with HIV/ebola/etc gets sicker and sicker because he has less and less red blood cell to function with. that's why Magic Johnson is looking healthy for years... because he can easily afford blood transfusions and expensive antiviral cocktails (including experimental and custom-made) for life.

antiviral cocktails put up defensive walls around cells or prevent virus from replicating itself but this can only work if there is a specific protein/enzyme to identify an invader... which is pretty much useless on general level as virus continues to mutate into different strain.

in the future - "DNA" nanobot would be programmed to identify a broad range of virus and prevent it from infecting your cell by attaching itself to virus and then virus will eventually die. who knows. that's just one theory. or if you are already infected by a virus that nanobot is not familiar with... a doctor can take your blood sample to identify a viral strain and then update your nanobots' programs in order to take a defensive action to prevent virus from replicating itself more... and then your immune system will take care of rest. that's also another theory :)

so the point is... instead of taking antiviral cocktails, we can have nanobots inside us for life and doctor can easily update the program for a new strain.

you can read more about how virus works - HowStuffWorks "How Viruses Work"
btw CrazyPaul.... The Last Ship...... never heard of it. I've gotta check it out when I can! :ty:
btw CrazyPaul.... The Last Ship...... never heard of it. I've gotta check it out when I can! :ty:
It's a good show, I don't usually watch drama shows. It fantasizes me not like other boring drama shows.
as far as "The Last Ship" - hub and I watch-

haven't read the article yet about Ebola...
To put things into prospective about "curing things" something you have to understand... Lets take the common cold for example. Something you would believe to be the easiest thing to cure... right? Relatively simple... low symptoms. Sniffling, itchy eyes, low fever, coughing maybe a headache and some aches. This is caused by the rhinovirus and there are well over 150 strands of it. When these colds initially enter your body, they enter as say, cold A. However while they are in your body, they mutate, causing an additional strand of a cold. You go next to your coworker and before you know it, you spread it to them. They mutate said cold and take it home to your loved ones. It mutates and they give it back to you. It's a vicious cycle of mutating rhinovirus.

Viruses are ALWAYS harder to cure than bacteria simply because viruses are small molecules that produce only a handful of proteins, so there are fewer "targets" for treatment. There are five known strands of Ebola. It is hard to try and cure Ebola because it is so incredibly dangerous to humans, that it presents an incredible difficulty for scientists to experiment with. So, they must work in HIGHLY protected laboratories with HIGHLY protected rooms and suits... which you can imagine is incredibly expensive and very limited. Not every scientist exactly jumps at wanting to study this being it has a mortality rate as high as 90%. So, there are only a handful of places in the world you can do Ebola experimentation. Also, at this point in time...relatively few people have ever been infected with Ebola, and even fewer have survived, thus making it hard to study the virus in people or examine whether there are certain biological factors that help people survive. There are some studies that show promise... but nothing as a cure thus far... sadly. It is a very difficult thing to cure. :( All you can do for the person is hook them up to an IV, hydrate them, treat any internal and external bleeding they may have and hope for the best, sadly. Ebola is a quarantine level 4... which is the highest precaution medical staff and scientists take. It is immediate lock down and suit up, no exceptions. All we can do is hope this will not spread... Personally and from what we have been told, I don't think it will be a zombie apocalypse as Jiro said... :laugh2: You can rest well tonight. :P

Jiro never said there would it would a "like in zombie movies" so there was nothing to lose sleep over. :roll:
btw CrazyPaul.... The Last Ship...... never heard of it. I've gotta check it out when I can! :ty:
TCS and I have been watching it. It depresses me but he likes it.
This is the American doctor who has Ebola.

American Doctor Sick With Ebola Now Fighting For His Life : Goats and Soda : NPR

A doctor at our church knows him. He was telling us about him last night. He got choked up talking about the situation. The doctor at our church goes to India every year for several weeks to serve the people there (at his own expense), so he relates to the work of missionary doctors serving in underdeveloped countries.
they say this to keep you calm......but what if, it REALLY break out.....there's no STOPPING!!.....

I remember 10 -15 years ago with all the scare of the Elboa virus, the flesh eating bacteria, and the virus in the SW and people were saying it gonna wipe all humans out and blah blah. We are all still here. Yes, they are dangerous and we can hope that all the precautions have been taken to prevent an epidemic outbreak.
I remember 10 -15 years ago with all the scare of the Elboa virus, the flesh eating bacteria, and the virus in the SW and people were saying it gonna wipe all humans out and blah blah. We are all still here. Yes, they are dangerous and we can hope that all the precautions have been taken to prevent an epidemic outbreak.

Yep. Now you understand how effective our government and CDC are at containing an outbreak or dangerous biological substance. How they contained it is not reported in news nor explained to public. I can imagine that it's swift and ruthless that would make Gitmo Camp scandal like a yesterday news.

The government has tons of thick binders containing both non-classified and classified how-to details for most scenarios. My organization is working on adding another binder to its shelf- setting up school to resume education for displaced children in conflicts.
Yep. Now you understand how effective our government and CDC are at containing an outbreak or dangerous biological substance. How they contained it is not reported in news nor explained to public. I can imagine that it's swift and ruthless that would make Gitmo Camp scandal like a yesterday news.

The government has tons of thick binders containing both non-classified and classified how-to details for most scenarios. My organization is working on adding another binder to its shelf- setting up school to resume education for displaced children in conflicts.

nice, I'd bet there would be plenty of great ideas useful enough as these would be 'ready' to convert it for d/Deaf people with the need for 'retraining' or making up for loss of education'.....hmmm:hmm:
It's the end of the world as we know it! I remember reading the book "the Hot Zone". Pretty scary stuff about Ebola and the research they were doing right here in the states.
RUN STEIN RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!! Run awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!