NY and WH discriminate against blind people?

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I'm just tired of people being accused of "racist" because they are not democrats. That's my main problem. I care less about people skin color.
Remind me of how people treat me...

Oh... I got a deaf friend....
He's deaf... say hi everyone. (Whatever happen to "this is Dave, and he is deaf"?)
Oh, my deaf friend told me that...


Yep. It happens to deaf, too. When my son was in kindergarten, the local paper published a pic of him jumping on a trampoline. The caption said, "Local hearing impaired student...." I immediately sent a nasty letter to the editor and asked them if it had been a hearing student, would the caption have read, "Local hearing student..." You can bet your azz it wouldn't have.
Yes, but it's hurtful to be accused of being something you are not.

How would you like it If I accused you of being sexist because you don't like Sarah Palin?

Then that means you would accuse everyone of something each time they say they dont like a certain person?
Yep. It happens to deaf, too. When my son was in kindergarten, the local paper published a pic of him jumping on a trampoline. The caption said, "Local hearing impaired student...." I immediately sent a nasty letter to the editor and asked them if it had been a hearing student, would the caption have read, "Local hearing student..." You can bet your azz it wouldn't have.

or if you noticed, when someone get killed they always mention about their religion (mainly the killer).
Those who practice covert racism always spend a great deal of time telling everyone that they have black friends, and admire this black person or that black person. It is a well know red flag for spotting covert racis,.:cool2:

People who don't engage in racism don't feel the need to prove that they don't.

oh wow. that is so true. Never thought of that!

Now I know what to say to those who exhibits insidious racism but conveniently hides behind the excuses. :hmm:
Yes, but it's hurtful to be accused of being something you are not.

How would you like it If I accused you of being sexist because you don't like Sarah Palin?

You would be wrong. Her gender has absolutely nothing to do with it. I would not like her one bit better if she were a man.
or if you noticed, when someone get killed they always mention about their religion (mainly the killer).

Really? I didnt notice...I will keep an eye out for that the next time I read the newspaper or news.
please, don't be spreading lies that aren't true.

Just as I thought. Still trying to justify instead of owning up.:roll: Typical.

Historically has no bearing on today. If you have to reach that far back, it is obvious that you don't have a foundation for your arguments.:cool2:

Like I said, take it up with Wayne Perryman. He's making those charges. Give him a call, write an email, or show up personally and tell him what he saying and doing are but a foolish errand and that he has his facts wrong and that an apology isn't deserved.
Hmm... interesting theory. Because I think you hold racist attitudes. The fact that you keep attributing racist motives against people who have made no mention of race indicates to me that you are a racist. After all, why would you keep bringing up skin color if you weren't a racist?*


* This is just for the sake of argument. I don't actually mean that.

Obviously, you don't know my ethnicity!:laugh2:

I am not the one bringing up skin color. I am simply responding to the posts of those that focus on it.
Like I said, take it up with Wayne Perryman. He's making those charges. Give him a call, write an email, or show up personally and tell him what he saying and doing are but a foolish errand and that he has his facts wrong and that an apology isn't deserved.

but you are defending your position by using his article.
I'm just tired of people being accused of "racist" because they are not democrats. That's my main problem. I care less about people skin color.

No one is accusing people of being racist because they aren't democrats. You continually try to make it seem that way when nothing is further from the truth. People are accused of being racist because they demonstrate racist attitudes. It has nothing to do with their political affiliation, as much as you would like to make it that way. But again, why bother with facts?
Yes, but it's hurtful to be accused of being something you are not.

How would you like it If I accused you of being sexist because you don't like Sarah Palin?

Jillio? sexist? lol you know Jillio is a woman, right?
oh wow. that is so true. Never thought of that!

Now I know what to say to those who exhibits insidious racism but conveniently hides behind the excuses. :hmm:

There you go!
but you are defending your position by using his article.

A position I agree with Perryman. Especially when he says this:

"“In my letter to the DNC, I expressed similar sentiments. I told the DNC ‘An apology is one of the only ways modern-day Democrats can distance themselves from the party’s racist past while bringing some closure to the African American Community.” Instead of apologizing, Howard Dean hired one of the most powerful law-firms in the country, to defend the party’s racist past."

Do you agree that an apology is unnecessary?
Like I said, take it up with Wayne Perryman. He's making those charges. Give him a call, write an email, or show up personally and tell him what he saying and doing are but a foolish errand and that he has his facts wrong and that an apology isn't deserved.

You are using him as your defense. Implicit agreement. Therefore, I will take it up with you as it is obviously your belief as well.
I've already said I agree with Perryman's statement. You, however, do not agree, obviously. Which is a red flag.
OMG...I have a black husband and tell people that I love him. Does that mean I am a covert racist? :giggle:

:laugh2: No, you married him, and telling people that he is black isn't the first words out of your mouth when you mention him. As a matter of fact, we had talked about your husband a lot, and I didn't even realize he was black until I saw a pic of Nathan and realized he was biracial.:giggle: You don't make a point of telling people that you have a black husband, or black friends, or whatever. Your attitude is, "This is my husband. I love him. Oh, BTW, he happens to be black.":giggle:

:laugh2: kinda like me and my best friend. Nobody thought my best friend would be a black person until they saw the picture of us. same thing with my ex.
Then that means you would accuse everyone of something each time they say they dont like a certain person?

Well would you?

I was just asking that because racism is branded round so much. If you don't like Obama some people accuse you of being racist.

So what would you think of a black person who didn't like Obama?

They do exist you know.

I speak as I find. If I don't like a person I really couldn't care less what colour they are. I'd feel exactly the same as I do about Obama if he was white.
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