drphil, in case you weren't being sarcastic...NEVER withhold food from a fat cat: "...... Overweight cats that go longer than 48 hours without food can develop Hepatic Lipidosis (Fatty Liver Disease) which is very serious and often fatal.. " <from "Tips for Feeding Your Cat and Avoiding Trouble">
and no, am not implying you have a fat kitty
peanut butter and p.b-based goodies is a very common dog treat in the U.S. and also often used to get sick dogs to take pills. As a trainer, every dog I've come across loves peanut butter.
and no, am not implying you have a fat kitty

peanut butter and p.b-based goodies is a very common dog treat in the U.S. and also often used to get sick dogs to take pills. As a trainer, every dog I've come across loves peanut butter.