nursing needs of deaf community? nursing student research paper

"Under the American's with Disabilities Act, all healthcare providers and facilities are MANDATED to provide reasonable communication accommodations, including qualified sign language interpreters" Maybe you can remind your provider of this so that they will provide an interpreter. Not only are they required by law to provide one but they must also pay for the interpreters services. Hope that helps.

She is in Australia I think.

In the US, we are all cognizant of this, but knowing and having it actually happen, are often two different things.
She is in Australia I think.

In the US, we are all cognizant of this, but knowing and having it actually happen, are often two different things.

Oh, I should have checked her profile. Thank you. I figured it was well know but I thought maybe a quotation would help and since I'm up to my ears in journal articles I have them available.