Nucleus 5 and Water???

I wish they were to get "f**ked over" as you say, but that's not what happens, it's other people who are indirectly funding it.
First, people brought up warranties and insurance in response to those who insisted that CIs were too delicate to participate in normal everyday activities with. They are a highly sophisticated technology, but the warranty is in place so people don't feel afraid to live their lives to the fullest and instead pack themselves and their children in cotton just to save money. The ci companies emphasize this protection by sending users brochures with fully submerged processors, encouraging them to go about their lives as normal.

Second, the new gen of CIs are made to be used in water environments, not abused intentionally, but worn without fear when we or our children play, sweat, splash.

You might stay up at night wishing and hoping we get f**ked overand suffer for it, as you so nicely put it, but that's your own lost time, and is a pretty sad place to be living in.
THIS is the particular post I found objectionable, not any of the ones about accidents or contact with water as per the guidelines from the manufacturer:

My daughter has always gone swimming with her CI on whether it was her old Freedom or her new Nucleas 5! She wears it in the bath, the pool (we go twice a week), water parks, you name it and we have never had a problem with either processor! And yes it has gone under with her MANY times lol. Thats what warranty is for:P Maybe once the warranty is up I won't feel as comfortable doing it, lol, but hopefully by then there will be a new model out and we'll have a new warranty, lol.

This is a clear disregard for the warranty terms becuase it shows the person is aware it is not for this situation, the person uses it anyway and expects the company to clear up after that, AND that the person says when it's out of warranty they will start being much more careful with it, but hopes to offload that responsibility to a new warranty when the time comes.

I am not referring to wrapping kids in cotton wool and stopping them doing activities with potential for accidents to happen, I'm talking about this kind of blatant "Well, when I have to pay for it I'll be careful, but while it's covered I'll go outside the warranty terms and still expect free replacements".

This person? I would hope the day comes that the company says sorry, you didn't look after it, you buy your own, although it's a tough one cos it's for a child and I don't want a child to go without because of an adult's actions, but yes, I'd like that person to get some comeuppance for that attitude, it stinks. Anyone else? Not what I was talking about.

If you put your processor in the washing machine/bath/feed it to the dog by accident you can expect someone (warranty or insurance) to do something about it, but if you as an adult were to put it in there on purpose then that's just stupid and deserves what it gets. Same with swimming, it says don't swim in it don't swim in it or if you do so that's at your own risk. I swim in my old pair of hearing aids sometimes, but that's because it's MY risk to take, if they break I'll throw them away, I don't expect to take them back to the manufacturer for new ones.

And no, "f**ked over" was not initially my words, hence the quotation marks.

I do (though suspect nobody is 'listening') actually apologise to anyone who thought this was directed at them when it was not, it is to the above post and attitude ONLY.

... That's... wow. You go to the pool twice a week? and been to Water parks?

that's very neat! and very convincing :)

Yes and have never had an issue and have NEVER used my warranty on the processor for either the freedom or the nucleas! I also wanted to add that our freedom also accidently went through the whole cycle in our washing machine and it worked fine as soon as it got out!

To RoseRodent The whole reason I said that I might not feel as comfortable AFTER the warranty is up is because in todays day and age with technology things just don't last like they use to, especially electronics!! So when the warranty is up that is usually when things start going wrong!! So even if the cochlear said it was 100% safe to put it in water 24 hours a day I STILL wouldn't because if something went wrong it would not be covered once the warranty is up and that would be my luck when something would go wrong!! A warranty DOES make anyone feel safer to purchase a product and everyone is always more carefull when the warranty is up with any product! And for your information we have NEVER used our warranty on our freedom or nucleas processors! I paid $8000 for the N5, I will use it as advertised, which is it can be submerged for up to 30mins, there is no way in heck my daughter keeps her head under the water for 30 minutes, MAYBE 30 seconds, she's FOUR, not a Synchronized swimmer, lol!
Cochlear says that right now it is "splash resistant" (like the Freedom) but with the rechargable it can be submerged in still water up to a few feet (can't remember how far) for up to 30 minutes. NO swimming, no showers, they are both "moving water".

Right now, it is absolutly no different than the Freedom in water resistance (or technology).

what if you are 1 ft underwater and water moves then its gonna move about 1 or 2 inches above you, that makes the water above you to be 1 ft and 2 inches
Exactly!! What is there to hear in water??? just water whilst washing your hair?:roll:

Not worth it risk damaging your processor for!! Silence is good enough :) :giggle:

if you are at a swimming pool and you did something you are not suppose to do, how will you know?? if you wear a CI then the lifeguard can blow their whistle and say not to do that thing. or if you have hearing friends and they dont know how to talk to you with no CI or HA, then you could wear the nucleus 5 and hear them. but there isnt anything to hear IN water
I was told from my parents that my N5 including my freedom is water resistant. they're not waterproof. My implants would be fine under sprinkling rain because it isn't much water. But if it's raining that hard then i would take them off. I am always super cautious about my implants and I always try and take good care of them. I wouldn't wear them in the shower if I were you. It's like dropping your cellphone or your keys in the toilet and can never work again. But many people here on all deaf have told me a cool cover that can fit for cochlear implants including hearing aids. They're like rainjackets for cochlear implants/hearing aids. I don't have the link but maybe one of them will help you out with that.
if you are at a swimming pool and you did something you are not suppose to do, how will you know?? if you wear a CI then the lifeguard can blow their whistle and say not to do that thing. or if you have hearing friends and they dont know how to talk to you with no CI or HA, then you could wear the nucleus 5 and hear them. but there isnt anything to hear IN water

Maybe you could simply behave yourself at the swimming pool!
You can wear the n5 in the pool.... if you dont plan on going under water. lol

I hate going into the pool with my guy buddies cause they splash water everywhere, but when we're in the hot tub its fine, theres no fun splashing in the hot tub.

When I'm in my gf's pool, i usually dont take it off as I dont plan going underwater, just talking. If I do, i just take it off, nbd.
Hurry up with the Neptune already! I hope to spend some hearing time next summer with my daughter in the field, garden, and pool! I would think that Cochlear would be coming out with something similar soon after. I think the reps take a lot of liberty with the N5 water advertisements, and skim over the fine print in the warranty.
My daughter has been wearing her N5s nonstop in the pool, on waterslides, underwater, on the water, sprays, while boating,without even thinking about it all summer long -- no issues. She's only 5, so while she may be in the water for hours at a time, her head isn't immersed for more than 30 mn. at a time. No problems. The advertisements are no stretch.
Honestly, I don't know if Cochlear America or neptune,etc is ever going to make waterproof Cochlears or hearing aids or whatever because they're computers. And not all computers are going to be waterproof. And its very hard to try and make the devices waterproof. The only option to do that is if you get a cover for your device or take it off and put it in a safe place where you know you won't lose it or have it be broken by something. But I still believe that it is a bad idea to wear your cochlear implant And your hearing aid in water. I'm always cautious about my cochlear implants, i always try to take good care with them even if i'm in band, outside sweating my butt off under the sun in a 80 degree weather. I mean electronics are never going to be waterproof unless they can come up with some amazing invention to actually prove that.
if you are at a swimming pool and you did something you are not suppose to do, how will you know?? if you wear a CI then the lifeguard can blow their whistle and say not to do that thing. or if you have hearing friends and they dont know how to talk to you with no CI or HA, then you could wear the nucleus 5 and hear them. but there isnt anything to hear IN water

This was always the exact reason I loved being deaf at the pool! I've been thrown out a couple of times by idiots that did not deal with my deafness very well. But for the most part they just let me be and yelled at my friends and not me! he he he I was such a teenage rebel! :naughty:
Honestly, I don't know if Cochlear America or neptune,etc is ever going to make waterproof Cochlears or hearing aids or whatever because they're computers. And not all computers are going to be waterproof. And its very hard to try and make the devices waterproof.

Neptune is out and it is waterproof.

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