Nucelus 5 upgrade to replace N24


Active Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Recently, I got insurance approved and got N5 upgrade processor to replace my old obsolete N24 processor. I must admit that N5 is pretty fancy w/remote. I went to audie month ago to pre-authorize for repacement processor. I asked her if she can remap my old processor. She said she no longer have equiptment for one because its obsolete. So I guess it's my last of old one and I have Esprit 3g body processor that I never use because it don't have high fequency sound that I need what my N24 processor have. Its still brand new :lol: I can't wait to have N5 processor programmed and put in use.

I wonder does anyone have N5 processor? Just curious how do you like it.

Last of all, I wonder if there are site where I can donate good old sound processor that audie can reprogram for one who need an original replacement?

You'll find the remote cool.. for a week. Its useless in many cases. I haven't used mine in months. But the processor itself is pretty awesome, it got it's pros and cons compare to AB's harmony

The pros (that I like):
Its sexy, its small, light weight (for those who complain about heaviness on the ear, this is not bad at all), and colors are cool.
The battery (for me), small battery lasts me 16 hours, big battery lasts me a day, and disposable lasts me 3 days straight.
I only had to replace the coil once in 2 years.
Pretty darn good with water/moist resistance
I barely change moods of the programs, but when i do, they do work well.
The best pro: the audio wire. It makes phone convos so easy, and you can listen to music directly. I literally use it everyday since I got.

the cons (just me):
the headpiece is ugly
The audio cable wire is pretty weak, breaks easy. And cost way too much
The microphone is in the back of the processor rather than in the front like the harmony. (sound quality still dominates with harmony)

Note that I am rough with my hearing stuff compare to other people. I have dropped the N5 many times, got it moist (dropped it in the toilet before), have it in my pocket for long periods of time, barely put it in the dyer. And it still lives.

And I recommend keeping the old processor just in case you break the N5 and have to wait for an refurb to come in the mail. Besides... I have never donated any of my processors, they will become history.
I upgraded from the 3G to the Freedom, and the Freedom was much, much I have the N5's, and they are much better than the Freedom.

If you lead a hectic lifestyle like I do, you will use the remote maybe 2-3 times a month. I only use the remote when I sit down and plug the N5's in my laptop with the stereo cable, and select the program that I like to use with music.
I upgraded from SPrint to N5 almost one year ago. But I think my experience is quite different in comparison with other people who upgraded.

The biggest difference for me wasn't the sound quality, but the size and weight of the processor. To be honest, I didn't realize any significant change in the quality of sound. Yes, I noticed some small changes like better hearing of distant sounds, but it wasn't really any big change. After the first mapping it was definitely very different, but it was mostly because my audiologist had to change my map a lot, otherwise the N5 wouldn't be able to go live because of extreme energy consumption :) But after I got used to the new map, I felt that my hearing is similar like before. However, in hearing tests two months after upgrading I had better results (by 10-30 % I think), so the sound quality is obviously better even if I don't notice it.

But I definitely love N5.
And bbaseballboy is right about the remote. I barely use it and usually when I would use it, I find out that it's out of energy :)
I like my N5, it felt very light on my ear. I recently got an approval to get a processor upgrade for my left year from the Freedom to the N5, So, I'm excited!

I rarely use my remote control, I'll use it once or twice a month. It's good to have though if you don't remember what program your processor is on and what the volume/sensitivity is being set on. But I still bring my remote control with me everywhere, just in case i need it.

I like the battery on the N5, it lasts longer, plus i like the short battery too, it makes my N5 even more lighter. But i don't really use the short battery, because I always have that fear it won't get me through the day, Plus, i listen to my iPod, and i fear if i use the audio cable to listen to music with the short battery, it will run out of power pretty quickly than the longer batteries. So, i always use the bigger batteries, it gives me a sense of relief. haha.
I finally got N5 upgrade and my ins. paid 100%. I paid nothing. I had it programmed and I noticed difference on sound quality. I will have to go back to Audie for remapping. Because Music and Program 1 (without background sound fading or muting) sucks. I noticed 2nd program with background muting sound much better. I went to church to listen talk and choir. I played with remote to find which programs and adjusting volume and sensitivity. On P2 with background sound fading, I turned up volume and sensitivity, it seem go worst so I decide to go opposite, reduce volume and sensitivity, it seem that Speaker voice get louder and clearer while background sound at minimuim. It works great and I finally catching on most of what they are being said and also nearly got choir lyric in synch. I realized that I was missing "d, t, and few first letters". I will ask my audie if she can bat up the midrange during remapping to achieve some missing sounds.

As for Music program, what do you suggest during remapping? I am just experimenting on that to see how I like it.

I love the processor so much like any of you said, thin profile, waterproof, 2 batteries, and remote control. Although I may not be using remote control much probably after 2nd mapping (after refining).

Pros: thin profile, less battery, remote control, water proof

Cons: two buttons on top of processor for turning on/off and change volume, programs ect kinda awkward. I had to put thumb on upper ear to secure my Processor and forefinger to press button.


The N5 is NOT waterproof without using a zip bag system. But glad you like it :)
Catty, with a child who loves to swim, I was so excited to find that the N5s could be used in the pool without needing to ziploc them! We've had ours for two years without a problem, and my daughter has spent full days at the pool without having to take them off each time she goes in -- what a difference from having to tuck our Freedoms safely away each time. She says that the sound is funky when underwater and for a minute or two when she first gets out until the mic covers dry, but otherwise works out great for participating in games and hearing swim instructors call out directions while practicing strokes with her head down / in the water.

We don't use them at the beach, however, with strong waves and sand/salt pounding them. That's where those new aqua accessories may come in heady next summer.
Catty, with a child who loves to swim, I was so excited to find that the N5s could be used in the pool without needing to ziploc them! We've had ours for two years without a problem, and my daughter has spent full days at the pool without having to take them off each time she goes in -- what a difference from having to tuck our Freedoms safely away each time. She says that the sound is funky when underwater and for a minute or two when she first gets out until the mic covers dry, but otherwise works out great for participating in games and hearing swim instructors call out directions while practicing strokes with her head down / in the water.

We don't use them at the beach, however, with strong waves and sand/salt pounding them. That's where those new aqua accessories may come in heady next summer.

I bet that it's good for fresh water. Salt water that I am assuming it may corrodes the parts on N5

The N5 is NOT waterproof without using a zip bag system. But glad you like it :)

It is actually "water resistant" if submerged in very shallow water for less than 30 minutes AND you use the sealed rechargeable battery.

I don't plan to test that theory, though. Sweat affects my N5's after a few minutes. Personally I think people who need them on while swimming are crazy....these things are $8K apiece and chlorine does nasty things to electronics.
As for Music program, what do you suggest during remapping? I am just experimenting on that to see how I like it.

I tried the music program, and found that it does not sound as good as the everyday program. The only thing it did was emphasize on certain sounds, which made the singing a little more clear, but the guitar/synthesizer sounds were pushed in the background.

I only use muting while driving or while working in noisy environments.

Of the 4 available programs, I have #1 and #4 set up as everyday, but #4's volume and sensitivity are higher. #2 has compression only, and #3 is for music. I find that I only use #1 and #2.

Keep in mind that Cochlear pushes their audis to convince us that their programs are the right ones for us....which is not true. Everyone has a different map, and your map should be set for your tastes, not theirs.

Oh, and I already tried wearing the CI's with a motorcycle helmet. Not worth it, IMHO, as all I heard was wind whistling at speed. I was hoping to hear the engine, but no luck. The only way I can hear the engine is to ride without any helmet, which I will not do.