Oh my god, I think my post should be VERY EASY to understand.
Let look at US Supreme Court - there are 4 conservatives, 4 liberals, 1 moderate (swing). Total = 9 judges.
DC case
District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Majority - Scalia, joined by Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito
(all are conservatives, except for Kennedy that is more swing)
Dissent - Stevens, joined by Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer
(all are liberals)
Dissent - Breyer, joined by Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg
(all are liberals)
Final: The gun ban law in DC got struck down as unconstitutional by 5-4. That's major victory for NRA and gun supporters.
Other case about Chicago:
McDonald v. Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Majority - Alito, joined by Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy (all); Thomas (all except parts II-C, IV and V)
(all are conservatives, except for Kennedy that is more swing)
Concurrence - Scalia
Concurrence - Thomas
Dissent - Stevens
Dissent - Breyer, joined by Ginsburg, Sotomayor
(all are liberals)
Final: The gun ban in Chicago got struck down as unconstitutional by 5-4. That's major victory for NRA.
In case, for example, if Scalia dies from natural cause so Obama decides to appoint the new judge - it will be likely to be liberal, anti-gun judge to make US Supreme Court switches from conservative to liberal (5 liberals, 3 conservatives, 1 moderate).
For example, if city councils in city of San Francisco passes the bill to ban on guns. NRA decides to sue in the federal court. After processed with federal court and the appeals court, NRA decide to appeal to US Supreme Court. They decide to hear on SF case. All of 5 liberal judges will going upheld SF ban on guns as constitutional and they will say - it doesn't violate the Second Amendment.
What's result with NRA - they will be extremely unhappy.
Let next...
I know about those subjects very well and I have a lot of interest about legal studies. I learned a lot about how US Supreme Court works. I felt that you may not understand my hypocritical question. I'm just asking - is it unconstitutional for state of New Jersey to pass the mandatory registration that require all gun owners to register all guns into state database or register with police station? Yes or No
I don't take those case as too easy.
I think it is best for Reba to check my post and I believe that she may understand mine better.