So, suggesting limits on gun sales:
- is a threat to the American way
- would leave citizens unprotected from threats foreign & domestic
- endangers citizens by encouraging gun sales
We can't win for losing, eh?
There might really be something to that last idea. However, we can be assured that those who don't want more guns aren't the ones standing in line at the gun counters.
Let's go back 100 years to when cities began installing traffic signs & signals
(link). I mentioned this earlier - accidents actually increased. A study in Philadelphia showed a 40% increase in intersection accidents at newly installed traffic lights. San Francisco traffic engineers claimed that 70% of drivers ignored stop signs. Speed limits were also just being tried. One problem with traffic controls, the engineers said, was that drivers would race from one to another. Drive as fast as they could before they had to slow or stop!
Probably well over half the guns in this country are useful only in shooting pieces of paper and human beings. Vehicles are used for the transportation of people and products. Livelihoods depend on them. Can we say that traffic laws should be dropped? We'd all be safer and society would work better if there were none? There are no future changes in transportation where new controls would make sense?
There have been some things said on this thread that would offend the Canadians, Australians, Japanese, Koreans, English, probably all Europeans. A little more thin-skinned and I, an American, would have been offended. We may as well include the Iraqi. Want to move in this direction?
Traffic in Iraq