Hello Keiro,
I would suggest you to make sure to check out their hosting storage size before you go next step with new contracts or agreement.
I am with Bluehost, I've been with them since July I think.
Other than that, I am new at webmastering, and I am a marketer.
I sells Softwares, and Vitamins.
I am also sponsoring for severals affiliates companies.
I was looking for someone who can help me with web-designing, But so far its out of my hand, dhtml, css, and javascript languages aren't the same, I only studied Html, and Business Marketing.
I think I have some affiliates that sells web hosting that you can go and check them out.
I've been updating my webpages daily, it is a non stoppable! I work on the website evenually 10+ hours everyday, and waiting on a company to finish AlienTechWorld's project.. which will be coming really soon..
But they are not doing my layout

someone would jump in and help to build successful website.
Speaking of website, Its NEW.
Keiro, Email me!!