Novel jewelry creation can 'translate sign language into words'


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2013
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Has anyone come across this yet? What are your thoughts? Im still formulating mine, its allot to chew on. It does not bode well for us........

Designers from Japan have developed a novel concept that could help aid the communication of millions of people worldwide who suffer from hearing impairments, alongside those who do not understand sign language. And it is in the form of jewelry.

The Sign Language Ring is a set of jewelry that has been created by designers from Asia University in Tokyo, Japan. It is a system that can translate sign language into either voice or text.

The jewelry, inspired by Buddhist prayer beads, consists of a set of six rings and a bracelet.

When the rings are worn on the fingers of a person gesturing sign language, the rings are able to pick up on the person's motions and translate these into words.

more at link
Novel jewelry creation can 'translate sign language into words' - Medical News Today
Lots of signs are awfully similar. I would think it would make for some interesting misinterpretations.
75 views? i was hoping against hope for more discussion of these
Well, from what I understand from their website it's only a concept not an actual product. Even if it were in production I'd seriously doubt it's capacity to translate sign. If the decades of failing to translate spoken languages are any example there are just too many variations (colloquialisms, slang, speed, "accent", etc, etc) that people use to make such a thing viable at this time.
Indeed. That said tech is leaping in bounds i wouldnt doubt they tweak this if the loot was in it. would be neat to see it work the other way.
getting scary what they can do with tech these days