Not wearing Hearing aids


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
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Went to get gas today for my car, just a quick run down the block, so I didn't bother to take my hearing aids. As I'm pumping gas, of course someone pulls up asking for directions. Well I can't tell what he's saying because without my aids I'm deaf. Since I speak fine, but don't know sign language, and I'm sure he didn't know it either, I try to explain to him that I'm sorry but I'm deaf and and don't understand what he's asking. He sits there staring at me for a minute with that F.U. look and then pulls away. Why doesn't anyone ever ask for directions when I have the aids in?
Thats how it always happens. 2 days ago I was caught in the rain walking to the train station so I took my aids out. Some guy is standing at the train station trying to get me to take a survey. I say to him I can't hear what hes saying and he looks at me like Im an idiot. So I just walked away lol It happens, c'est la vie.
Yeah, I've been there before.

A lot of people have this misconception that if you can talk, you can hear. :roll:
That's daily life for me. :giggle:

I am learning to deal with it.
Ive had something like that happen to me last year.. I was driving my company truck with trailor in tow and a officer was pulling me over.. unfortunately i could not see his lights and definately could not hear his sirens. SO he whips up infront of me and practically rams me off the road. I pull over and tried to explain to him that I am sorry I cannot hear I am deaf. He did not believe me cause i speak fluently. He was so angry with me and i could tell he was yelling cause it was difficult to read his lips. I said sir can u please stop yelling it isnt going to make this go any smoother i rely on reading lips. Man i was sooo pissed off ended up giving me a ticket which i was fine with. But his attitude towards deaffys is quite ignorant if you ask me.
I normally just gesture that i am Deaf and walk away. Or if I have a hearing friend with me, or interpreter, I turn and look at them for them to deal with it.
I have 2 stickers on my car, one on the drivers side window and one on the rear window, notifying everyone that I have a hearing problem. Maybe I need to get 10 more, and maybe stick one on my forehead.
I have 2 stickers on my car, one on the drivers side window and one on the rear window, notifying everyone that I have a hearing problem. Maybe I need to get 10 more, and maybe stick one on my forehead.


I am the same way as you are. I grew up with so many people getting mad at me for not being able to "hear" as well as I can speak. SAAAWWWWRRYYY!
I have 2 stickers on my car, one on the drivers side window and one on the rear window, notifying everyone that I have a hearing problem. Maybe I need to get 10 more, and maybe stick one on my forehead.
I have stickers also, and some patches for clothing, etc. I worry about "advertising" that I'm case someone might try to take advantage of the fact that I probably wouldn't hear them "sneak up" on me.
One of the suggestions for the stickers in in a window at home to let firefighters, EMTs, etc know there's an HoH/Deaf person in the house...but that would also let burglars know that they may be able to get into the house w/o having to worry as much about making noise (no, I don't have alerting devices in my house yet...I have a 16 year old and two cats :D).
I did use the smaller stickers to give to my doctor's offices to put on my file folders to, hopefully, remind them.
Well the stickers on the car are to avoid the kind of experience that Deafy had. The visor thing is a nice idea, I just don't see a cop taking the time to read all that stuff.
Thanks for posting the links for the cards. Im gonna print it out and put it in my visor in my truck. This should help heaps...Even tho now my drivers liscense states I am " hearing Impaired" Im sure it will help calm the officer down with the info the card gives them..
Ok - I was cracking up about the "sticker on the forehead"....

Just being a smartass b/c no one needs more problems...but if you put a silhouette of a pistol on the placard, I'd betcha they'd notice it then....
If one doesn't have Hearing aid/Cochlear Implant ON for whatever reason and if anyone speaks to you-advise forthwith I AM DEAF. This happens to me almost everyday after swimming-my Cochlear Implant is disconnected. Valid reason: head still wet/moist for about 20-30 minutes. I go grocery shopping from the swimming pool. Don't want to damage my Implant. No- I don't have a "waterproof" implant. Yeah have gotten into the habit of disconnecting my Implant FIRST and using the special metal case in my swimming bag. Not a problem as I usually swim every day-seems "old age" is after me!

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Did you read my first post and the results I got when I tried to explain I couldn't hear?
Did you read my first post and the results I got when I tried to explain I couldn't hear?

I read it. The guy probably was baffled that you were speaking, yet saying you were deaf. Many hearing people do not realize that some deaf/Deaf people speak. He was probably thinking :shock: lol.
If one is "unable to react-"hearing wise" to anyone speaking to you- after saying- :CAN'T HEAR YOU-not much anyone can do. Basic lesson CHS Hearing Help class-DON'T BLUFF>

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
rob this car

I have 2 stickers on my car, one on the drivers side window and one on the rear window, notifying everyone that I have a hearing problem. Maybe I need to get 10 more, and maybe stick one on my forehead.

where i live i would never advertise that i am deaf !! once upon a time it was respected. these days it is used against you and your car and house will be targeted for robbery. it is sort of like having a NRA sticker on your truck, a thief will follow a NRA sticker car to the owners home knowing they win the lottery when they break n the gun owners home.