I guess I wonder some things <thinking as I type> - since Deaf are the people of the eye and ASL is a visual-spatial language and writing it down -changes it - to a linear language - what does that do to ASL?
To me it seems that it changes the fundamental paradigm or mindset of ASL.
To me, based on what I have learned from Deaf people....ASL is a way of Being, a way knowing things, more than a language.
So....to make a written form...changes that way of Being. and it seems like it de-values, because it...lessens it. It doesn't take into account ALL that ASL is.
and it seems that this relates to Hearing privilege..why do it? Why? for Hearing?
ASL is for Deaf.
It is of great importance for us Deaf to have a written form for our language. Using english doesnt cut it. So so so much is lost in translatIon. We need a written form For our language. We have si5s which is bieng used at gally now,
Video is good but it does not contain the same power of internal thought and inner dialogue that an asbtract txt does.we need to be able to remove our sign from the body to be able to have the same power of abstraction of say english, or any other written hearie language.
Posting my poems of asl in english is rather pointless, posting my stories in asl in english is just as pointless. posting vids is fine but that leaves out the readers inner hands. one doesnt just read poetry one internalizes it.and , camera im camera shy. My language should be able to be read on its own terms in its own script. Not via a second language completely different.
I think its one of the most important goals for asl and us Deaf to have a written form that is not english. Look at Deaf literacy. No wonder its so behind. Because we use and think in asl but learn to.read in a languge we cant even percieve or know and is not related to the one we think in and use.if we used our own language our own script in our own thoughts, our litericy will sky rocket.we wont be at hearie english mercy any longer....
Romasign is a form of romanizatiin. Like what many languages have, chinese pinyan so on..it doesnt mean it will be the written form for us..it just means a romanization has been developed for asl, its a step...
I see no negative at all in this.
look at this forum
Its english.
But i would much prefer to discuss with Deaf in our language asl then a second language english unrelated. Imagine a Deaf forum in asl of asl. In a written form. I can write asl grammar in english but it just doesnt cut it.
We need our own scrit. If our language will survive. because unmolested by english. a script captures the inner hand (idea voice) better then a video does for the reader to internalize, digest and ponder the messege. Sitting bsck resding a book is a very different thing then sitting back and watching a video
In history when ever an oral language and culture was targeted for assimilation and destruction from a literate language culture. The oral languages were doomed
We need our own script for our own language.
Im not claiming romasign is it.
What i think we should do is give Romasign a test drive, and see how far it can be taken. it doesnt need anything. its in the script hearie allready use..and we use too.
I like si5s, too..
But for example for a forum Romasign would be easier...at this moment anyway given we already know and use hearie roman script.