Hello, I'm Freddie.
I've just recently turned twenty-years-old and I'm a nearly completely deaf girl that lives a miserable life of child (well, would you consider me a child now? Nah, not really) abuse since, well, forever ago. I'm nearly completely deaf in my right ear and have lost a lot of my hearing in my left ear. It is hereditary. I do not know sign language but I feel like I really need to (and want to) but I don't know where to start. I'm not sure which online resources are really good, and I can't go out and find a class because nobody will want to drive me to it every single day (that the class is going on). One time a deaf girl came to houses in the neighbourhood and offered to teach, but my dad said no, thinking I don't need it. -_-
My birthday is July 16. I do makeup tutorials and stuff on YouTube as well as self studying Mandarin Chinese (with traditional characters!) on the side. I've tried self studying ASL with signingsavvy but I'm not sure if doing it one word at a time is really the way to go as a whole, plus it's hard to practice by myself. I've been watching Switched at Birth and I can pick up a few phrases here and there, but that's not enough!
I like Korean and Taiwanese music, as well as Taiwanese and Japanese shows. Some Korean movies as well. I spend a lot of time on the computer, obviously. I don't have many "friends" at all, and the ones I do have, we don't hang out very often since they "don't have gas" to pick me up. It's also hard communicating with random new people since I can't understand them a lot so I've found this forum from a Google search!
Yeah... that is a lot. I'll leave it here. Basically, I'm wanting to find friends that are just like me. Maybe help me out with some sign language here and there.
If you look top left at the first post in a thread you can see the date of the post.Hey:
I'm one of the older folks here. My perspectives will consequently be a bit different than some. You don't have to be deaf to be here. It is a lovely forum with many cultures, many different views, and support. It has grown into one of the better support websites for "us" out there.
The moderators are cool. You'll get responses from people and possibly corrections from othersand you have to decide what to do. What's important to me is while there is no right of free speech any longer, the website comments are left very much intact.
So sorry about your abuse at home. I grew up middle class and in a pretty nutty and abusive home(s) - parents divorced - but my dad was really supportive of me and on his own decided I needed a hearing aid, so he went out and bought one for me (uh, sit down?) @1963/64ish. That changed my life. There are places (when you're ready, I can help you look) that may offer you hearing aid assistance as in $$ for the appropriate aid. Even in this economy they still exist. Found them here in the boonies but an aid would not have helped me.
I think right now, I need more of a face lift rather than make-up.
Take care and ask away and ye will receive.
-- Sheri
Shoot me now. I try to be observant and look and obviously miss now and then. Thanks, Botts. I'm going to edit it ... Geesh!If you look top left at the first post in a thread you can see the date of the post.
The OP was here for two days three years ago.
So she isn't going to see your helpful advice.
all good. dont be such a humbug botts!!!!
ohhh feisty....
(drags cigarette, slowly exhales, sits back)
me? pay who? what?
im sorry you lost me.
you meant to say your pops didnt pay child support uh? thats some hard nailed luck kido.
(drags cigarette, exhales, sips a fine drink, sits back)