not a sweetheart


New Member
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
hello! i'm new here and i don't know what the "ask me" business is all about but, um, ask away! heehee.

anyway, the first one to catch the reference between my username and the title of this thread gets a hug from me. :ily:
Welcome to AD, you sound like a strong-minded and -willed gal. Sorry, I can't get the reference between Sputnik and Not a Sweetheart, so I guess I can't get a hug. Only thing I can come up about Sputnik is a Russian spaceship, so by any chance you're Russian? Anyway, have fun posting here!
nice to meet you, sound like u aren't a sweetheart cuz you are a male right? and ur name probally nick

BTW welcome to AD:)
Hi DeafSCUBA98!

Er, last time I checked, I'm all female. :mrgreen:

Nice try, though...
Originally posted by sputnik
gracias, fly free. i like your avatar. it relaxes me. :)

de nada sputnik and gracias for ur compliments on my avatar :D
Originally posted by DeafSCUBA98
kewl what do you do for living?

i'm a graduate student. still looking for a job. :D

how about you? do you scuba-dive for a living? (i don't know if that's even possible but if you do, that's awesome. heh)
[fangirl mode on]

just want to share this: i was at deafway II and came across two french guys with the coolest fashion sense (sort of whimsy punk with a little retro thrown in). i complimented one of them on his socks (which are striped). i should have taken photos with them *swoon*

if you were at deafway II, do you have any idea who I was talking about? :D

/end fangirl mode
Originally posted by sputnik
i'm a graduate student. still looking for a job. :D

how about you? do you scuba-dive for a living? (i don't know if that's even possible but if you do, that's awesome. heh)

yeah i go scuba diving as a hobby. I'm still in college studing major in accountant in business. But also taking classes to advantance myself in scuba diving so i can go all way up to become an indructor <--SP?:D