Northern Arizona University, Arizona State Univ. and University of Arizona


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Jun 3, 2007
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I want to keep my options open. I have lived in AZ before. Did anyone go to the University of Arizona, Arizona State University or Northern Arizona University? I have read the University of Arizona website and it says the office offers a CART. Does UA pay for CART? What about ASU or NAU? I have tried to contact NAU, but they said they didn't know anything about it.

Appreciate your feedback.
I graduated from Arizona State University. They have a great student support service program. I got whatever I requested...starting out with an oral terp, CART and eventually ended up with an ASL terp. That was from 95 to 98 so hope things are the same or maybe even improved.
Barbaro, what is your major?

U of A offers Education, and they pay the cart.

NAU doesn't offer cart because there are not enough deaf populations there, and it is in north Arizona. Way far away from city.

Only U of A and ASU offer deaf people for their programs.
I graduated from U of A with BS in Special Education in 1999. UA does offer interpreters, CART, notetaking, reader, and other assistive technology devices.

There are not that many Deafies live in Flagstaff and other cities nearby even though Flagstaff is just beautiful and clean.

Most of Deafies live in Phoenix and some live in Tucson.
Thanks for the feedbacks.

No wonder they didn't know anything about CART at NAU! I thought NAU looks nice and it has nice weather. Not too hot. It looks like I will scratch NAU off my list since NAU doesn't offer CART. I will learn to deal with the heat again if I choose either ASU or UA. :)

I plan to major in either studio art, painting or/both drawing and minor in art history. UA and ASU have different programs.. For instance, UA offers a single program in painting/drawing, but ASU offers two separate programs. Go figure. I'd go for bachelor of fine art, not bachelor of art.

Is that allowed for CART if I take some art history/ general studies classes?? I don't think I need CART for art classes except interpreters.

I know this thread is for "deaf" education, but maybe we could ask Alex to create another forum, 'Education". I cannot find any forum regarding education.


Is it possible if I want a cart and an interpreter at the same time for a class? I honestly don't trust professional note-takers. You can say that I have had bad experiences in the past. I have been depending on a tape recorder for a long while.
Thanks for the feedbacks.

No wonder they didn't know anything about CART at NAU! I thought NAU looks nice and it has nice weather. Not too hot. It looks like I will scratch NAU off my list since NAU doesn't offer CART. I will learn to deal with the heat again if I choose either ASU or UA. :)

I plan to major in either studio art, painting or/both drawing and minor in art history. UA and ASU have different programs.. For instance, UA offers a single program in painting/drawing, but ASU offers two separate programs. Go figure. I'd go for bachelor of fine art, not bachelor of art.

Is that allowed for CART if I take some art history/ general studies classes?? I don't think I need CART for art classes except interpreters.

I know this thread is for "deaf" education, but maybe we could ask Alex to create another forum, 'Education". I cannot find any forum regarding education.


Is it possible if I want a cart and an interpreter at the same time for a class? I honestly don't trust professional note-takers. You can say that I have had bad experiences in the past. I have been depending on a tape recorder for a long while.

I had a CART for my art history class at ASU.

As for having both a terp and CART at the same time..not sure cuz I never requested that. Never thought of it. I just read the CART and the transcriber saved the notes for me. Then, I started becoming more fluent in ASL so I asked for an ASL terp...I cant remember if I had notetakers when I had the ASL terp. When I had the oral terp, I had volunteer notetakers and both didnt work well for me. It has been so long...hmm. U can contact Student Support Services and ask them. Go to Arizona State University and look for the number?
I had a CART for my art history class at ASU.

As for having both a terp and CART at the same time..not sure cuz I never requested that. Never thought of it. I just read the CART and the transcriber saved the notes for me. Then, I started becoming more fluent in ASL so I asked for an ASL terp...I cant remember if I had notetakers when I had the ASL terp. When I had the oral terp, I had volunteer notetakers and both didnt work well for me. It has been so long...hmm. U can contact Student Support Services and ask them. Go to Arizona State University and look for the number?

Actually, you have saved me a few phone calls to NAU. Otherwise, I'd have to keep calling to find out until I am blue in the face! Of course, thanks to y'all, Sugarpuff, and Oddball. I intend to call ASU for info.

Art history rocks. I've been taking them for a long time. Anyway, It'll be my first time taking the cart when I go to a university. Your knowledge on the cart is informative. After the notes were given to you, were they typed, right?
Ok, you should visit both campus, Uof A and ASU. I go to Univeristy of Arizona and major in Chemistry. I have been to ASU and they have four diffrent campus at different locations. It depends on what classes you are taking and you might have to drive farther. The University of Arizona's campus are one big campus so it is not split into four different campus lik ASU.
From what I know, U of A is the best one. Second is ASU. But, under any circumstances, do NOT go to NAU!! I heard nightmares about how bad their services for the Deaf students are! Try U of A first!
Ok, you should visit both campus, Uof A and ASU. I go to Univeristy of Arizona and major in Chemistry. I have been to ASU and they have four diffrent campus at different locations. It depends on what classes you are taking and you might have to drive farther. The University of Arizona's campus are one big campus so it is not split into four different campus lik ASU.

Thanks, Cane Corse. I plan to go to ASU and UA for a visit. I have visited one of the ASU campuses, Tempe for games. I noticed Tempe campus have the art programs, which is a good thing. If one of my classes is at other campus, I'll have to drive. I'm used to driving long roads. Yuk. I know Baseline road is horrible. I also heard Tucson has bad traffic as well. :S
From what I know, U of A is the best one. Second is ASU. But, under any circumstances, do NOT go to NAU!! I heard nightmares about how bad their services for the Deaf students are! Try U of A first!

Oh, thank you. what kind of nightmares? I am curious..
Thanks, Cane Corse. I plan to go to ASU and UA for a visit. I have visited one of the ASU campuses, Tempe for games. I noticed Tempe campus have the art programs, which is a good thing. If one of my classes is at other campus, I'll have to drive. I'm used to driving long roads. Yuk. I know Baseline road is horrible. I also heard Tucson has bad traffic as well. :S

Well, Tucson traffic is not bad unlike Phx, believe me. Off the point, If you take a flight at Tucson International Airport, you will be lucky. You will not need to wait a long line to get tickets. Just come in and get a ticket within 5 minutes. LOL It happened to me before in 2004. Plus they did not inspect bags that much unlike Phoenix International Airport. PIA is a nightmare! Damn security inspectors. If I still live in Tucson, then I will take a flight from Tucson Airport instead of Phx or Las Vegas McCarran.
Well, Tucson traffic is not bad unlike Phx, believe me. Off the point, If you take a flight at Tucson International Airport, you will be lucky. You will not need to wait a long line to get tickets. Just come in and get a ticket within 5 minutes. LOL It happened to me before in 2004. Plus they did not inspect bags that much unlike Phoenix International Airport. PIA is a nightmare! Damn security inspectors. If I still live in Tucson, then I will take a flight from Tucson Airport instead of Phx or Las Vegas McCarran.

I have heard some bad stories about Sky Harbor Airport. I have not been to Sky Harbor Airport since before 9/11 and it was not too bad. I knew a dude and he told me the security inspectors at the Sky Harbor Airport even made him take down the pants, so they can inspect and x-ray him. I was thinking, "Wow." I have been to Tucson Airport once in the 90s and it was so QUIET. I like it.
I have heard some bad stories about Sky Harbor Airport. I have not been to Sky Harbor Airport since before 9/11 and it was not too bad. I knew a dude and he told me the security inspectors at the Sky Harbor Airport even made him take down the pants, so they can inspect and x-ray him. I was thinking, "Wow." I have been to Tucson Airport once in the 90s and it was so QUIET. I like it.

Phx Sky Harbor is not too bad. I had no problems getting through the checkpoints. However, USAirways lost my bags on departure and almost lost my bags on the returning flight! I wouldn't fly USAirways again.
Looks like this thread spun off into two - one talking about the accommodations at U of A vs ASU and NAU; the other talking about comparisons between PHX and TUS in respect to traffic/airports. I can address both...

Accommodations: I don't know about ASU - never been there, but I am a 2nd year student at the U of A Law school, and I specifically requested CART for my classes since there are so many nuances in the law and the lectures that I think I would be hopelessly lost if I had an interpreter (whether ASL or direct english). In either case, the Disability Services was incredibly accommodating and has even sent CART services off campus to my internship at the Arizona Court of Appeals. I graduated from Johns Hopkins in '04 and I have to say that the UA services are a vast improvement over what's offered at JHU.

Travel/Airports - I've only flown out of PHX once, although I'm scheduled to do so in August, and I haven't quite heard the horror stories, but I'm sure if you dig deep enough, you'll find horror stories at any airport. The key is to always have your ID and ticket readily available and just don't carry too much stuff in your pockets - it drives the security guards nuts (and other passengers). Put everything in your bags, leave only your phone and wallet in your pockets and you should be golden.

Traffic - Tucson traffic gets "bad" in the winter when all the snowbirds mix with the U of A students, but right now in the summertime, its blissfully smooth. Because the highway (I-10) only runs along the west and south sides of town, if you mingle in midtown and north/east wards, you never have to deal with highway spilloff, whereas in PHX, you can't possibly escape that.

Hope this helps
I want to keep my options open. I have lived in AZ before. Did anyone go to the University of Arizona, Arizona State University or Northern Arizona University? I have read the University of Arizona website and it says the office offers a CART. Does UA pay for CART? What about ASU or NAU? I have tried to contact NAU, but they said they didn't know anything about it.

Appreciate your feedback.

I go to the U of A. They provide CART, interperters, and note taker. :)

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