North Korea executed 6 people by hungry dogs?

Unless you have been there you will not understand

Ask any veteran that's been in the Korea War

North Korea is not a free country and still has family camps and its not a family camp you want to attend.

its a very good case illustrating the evil of communism. period. no if and or buts.
what a nightmare.
i only hope someplace, in the back or basement of some soju joint, some town, in some hamlet, in some candle light, the human impulse and desire for love is still kindled, and propagated. My God what a horrible place.
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

I am well aware there's nothing humane about North Korea itself. I just hope they didn't actually have them eaten alive, and as for sending them to concentration camps, wasn't that a part of WWI and WWII? Surprised they're still around today, but then again, people who have power will do whatever it takes to stay up there, and that includes eliminating any potential threats by any means necessary. Good thing about the US, we don't do that kind of stuff here. We have a judicial system, while not perfect, does its job for the better part of the time. Hopefully someday in the distant future they'll realize that being isolated isn't a good thing, and the Korean people barely have any food or money. The Iranians were the same way, too, until THEY realized that it was time to get some relief, and things have gotten better as of late, but there's still work to do.

Our government send to Japanese American internment camps during WW 11 . And look what was done to the Native American and the slavery of Black people was allowed to happen.
Any verification of this? Sounds to me a bit farfetched.
I try not to get into a discussion with this topic BUT

If you really want to know about this North Korea go on utube and write in North Korea but I warn you its terrible.

I do know some North Koreans and South Koreans.

Two different countries for sure.

That's why a lot of Americans and UN troops fought for the South Korea and to free them. A lot of our boys died for the them.

Freedom is not free.
Might want to check out the size of their military. While it may be behind the times as far as the latest weaponry it is one of the largest standing armies in the world. If you want to get a giant headache spend a few days sorting out how North Korea came about. They have been doing bad things to people for quite awhile now. It is nothing new.
I am waiting now for Evo Dragon to cover me up.
Asia has been in many conflicts dating back around the beginning of the 20th Century with the atrocities from 1937 to 1945.

North Korea is still the hot spot to this day and no one would want to end up being prisoner there.
Asia has been in many conflicts dating back around the beginning of the 20th Century with the atrocities from 1937 to 1945.

North Korea is still the hot spot to this day and no one would want to end up being prisoner there.

No, they would not want to, because of the very high chance they wouldn't leave the country alive. That's just one reason international travel isn't so appealing to me. That, and the long plane rides over 10+ hours. Trains I can do for 24-48 hours, no problem, but sitting in a tight seat for more than 10+ hours? No thank you. I'll take the Amtrak, thanks.
I've seen the documentary...and if you have also, then you know "families" don't exist in North Korea. The Dictator has made certain of that.....

Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)That's a very old fashioned way of executing someone. No country does this anymore, except maybe that country. In no way am I going there-- I ain't about to get eaten alive, thanks.

old fashioned way? no. such method is timeless. bullet is limited and expensive. and it's an effective way to send fear to people.

plenty of countries do this and many murderers do get rid of bodies by feeding them to hogs or alligators... that includes Florida.
I'm not comparing the two. I'm just saying that while the US has authority to sanction a country for illegal nuclear testing or whatever, one country suffered plenty until they decided to cooperate. The other is standing defiantly, and wants to nuke us? That does not help their cause.
no they don't. US just have a bigger gun to threaten anybody we don't like.

Yes, I'd hears of children being tortured over there, and not many survived those camps, and it's a terrible part of what happened back then, but today's world is a much better place than it was back then, with the exception of the North, who are ruthless and unmerciful. They kill their own people however they want, and I feel sorry for those people. They should not have to suffer more than they already are. Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if the North were a more free country like the South is. I'd like to see the two sides end that "war" for once and all, and get along better. That itself would be a good place to start.
easy. the most powerful democratic country in Asia. so powerful that there's a rumor that Russia, China, Japan, and probably some other countries do not want reunification to happen.

North Korea = powerful military
South Korea = powerful economy and technology

powerful military + powerful economy + technology = powerful country
Sad, but true. If there wasn't an embargo on sending food the people of the North, I would do it. As it is, there's not much I can do without violating federal and possibly international law, therefore they must suffer, and to me, that's wrong. Heck, they don't even have lights on at nighttime, as they're that poor. Their economy is in far worse shape than ours is, and if I had certain traits I could possess, I could do what's needed, and nothing more. I have no vested interest in seeing them suffer like this.

there is no embargo on food. embargo does not mean "nothing goes in, nothing comes out." We've been sending them food and medicines for many years especially South Koreans. We're not that cruel. China and Russia have been supplying weapons and stuff to North Korea for many years as well. The best we (American) can do is seize their financial assets offshore and intercept the weapon sales somewhere.

You can go ahead and send food to them. Good luck and hope your package will arrive there :lol: