No wonder dogs are men's bestfriends.. Both are dumb!!


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Sep 20, 2003
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Tests show dogs have personality
Last Updated Wed, 21 Jan 2004 11:03:45
AUSTIN, TEXAS - Many pet owners believe their four-legged friends have distinct personalities, and now scientists have some proof.

Researchers use animals to model disease but emotional traits and personality are seen as uniquely human, a result of genetic and environmental factors.

Pets may seem like they have personalities, but conventional wisdom says pet owners project their own personalities onto their animals.

To test canine character, psychology Prof. Samuel Gosling at the University of Texas and his colleagues studied 78 dogs and their owners at a dog park in Berkeley, Calif.

Dog owners were asked to rate themselves and their pooches on four different personality traits: energy, affection, anxiety and intelligence.

Each trait was defined by characteristics. For example, being "curious about many different things" was considered a mark of intelligence.

The researchers also tested how well the owners' ratings matched the dogs' behaviour in field tests, such as their ability to find a dog biscuit placed under a plastic cup.

Strangers also watched the animals perform the tasks and rated the pets to check if the owners' judged their pets accurately. In general, owners and strangers agreed on a dog's personality, which suggests personalities are real, says Gosling.

The researchers found personalities vary widely within a breed, meaning stereotypes such as all pit bulls are aggressive or all beagles are intelligent don't hold up.

Animal behaviour experts call the study thorough, but note Gosling relied on subjective definitions of personality traits.

He hopes to develop the research using more objective measures to select service dog candidates. The idea is to assess a dog's personality to see if it is suited to work as a Seeing Eye dog or police dog.

The study appears in the December 2003 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Written by CBC News Online staff
ummm does that means my dear Pongo, my Deafie Dalmatian, must be really a genius? heh
where does it say that dogs are dumb? Women are dog's best friends, ya know, like my sister for example. She has 3 dogs! Does that mean she is dumb too?
kuifje75 said:
where does it say that dogs are dumb? Women are dog's best friends, ya know, like my sister for example. She has 3 dogs! Does that mean she is dumb too?

You got me there!! You know the saying, dogs are men's bestfriends.... I always tease my guy friends that of course, since dogs are stupid and simple then they must be too.. Both always shared personality traits.... ETC.. They usually make fun of me because I'm a cat lover and talk bad about cats. :P

Seriously, I do not like dogs that much because they bit me when I was a kid and I required stitches but I do respect dogs a lot because they are animals and can feel pain like humans do too.
butterflygal said:
I always tease my guy friends that of course, since dogs are stupid and simple then they must be too..

If you think about it, dogs have a lot of redeeming qualities.


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Levonian said:
If you think about it, dogs have a lot of redeeming qualities. :idea:

lmaoo !! That's a good one! I never thought of like that. Hahaha ...