Trying to remember if I knew anyone who graduated in that department.... One friend got her Master's in School Psychology at Gallaudet- but she had already gotten her BS degree there so her signing was already fluent.. though she was like me- mainstream until arriving at Gally lol.
I'd be curious to see what their response is regarding the Jump Start program. I don't see why not. Though I do remember also taking ASL classes during the school year my freshman year (uncredited)- I hope they still offer something like this as well. Two of my friends work at Gallaudet.. or did- one retired back in January.
Crossing my fingers for you. I've toyed with the idea of going back there for a 2nd Bachelor's degree (in Computer Science...) but = non existent and usually can't get financial aid if you already have a Bachelor's (or so I've read).
Thanks! I've been asking around with my friends too, I have a pretty tight knit group of friends from summer camp. Being mainstreamed in a rural area didn't give me any opportunities to have other Deaf/HoH friends. Any help or advice you can find is soooo appreciated!
I've had that problem with financial aid, I would qualify for tons of grants but I have a bachelors . I originally went to school for Deaf/special education but that became geology. I taught for awhile and loved it, unfortunately, due to all my physical injuries, some untreated mental health issues and some bad choices on my part, I ran into some substance abuse of my own. It led to no longer being able to teach like I was or do work for the government like the USGS or USFS which I at one point wanted to with my science background. I'm back in school to get a behavioral health BS and get my CAC III (CO's certified addiction counseling cert). I'd really like to get my LAC, Licensed Addiction Counselor, which is the highest and requires a masters degree. As a Native, Deaf/HoH, woman, I've seen how the standard addiction treatment model is still based off the 12 step program, which was created by an old, straight, Christian man with no specialized training or experience beyond himself put together. For some people it works and that's great, but there's sooooo many it doesn't and the nature of the program (the really brilliant part, twisted but brilliant) means that it's always the fault of the individual, never the program. You either didn't work it right or work it hard enough, the program is never to blame. I really want to work with these minority groups who are the least served and someday hopefully develop new alternatives that are found to be just as credible.
A professor recommended looking at Gallaudet, and I had no idea they had a clinical mental health masters program let alone a class that's specifically about substance use and the Deaf community, it's definitely on the top of my list now! I just sent the department coordinator an e-mail asking about Jump Start for grad students and what resources they have for Deaf/HoH grad students not fluent in ASL.