I don't know yet what exactly I hear best but after today.. he kept telling me one thing.. the settings on what you like is not what you should be hearing. I keep all the highs in mine and hardly any bass. He said mine Highs are so high that it actually hurts his. Now, I have got to figure out a way to adjust to this crap.. ( sorry ) I want more room on my analog wheel volume. He says that its okay to be on maxed out but he won't give me any more power.grrrr~! I think he is trying to train my brain to not need so much power. My old analogs I could set them on 2 for my left and on three on my right .. leave room for when the battery starts to die or just for the sake of needing volume in certain environments. he keeps reminding me that all of this takes time and that even if I did put my old analogs in that I would not like the settings and I would be asking for more power even then..
.. I am ready to crawl in hole and stay there. I go back on Monday to " try " a hard mold. I have loved my semi soft molds. sigh..