Nintendo switch

Do you have the Cube? I bought it just because of Resident Evil. And okay, I admit to Metroid Prime too. Okay, I admit to Zelda..but oh boy.. all that back tracking killed it for me. :)

I had a Cube, but I loaned to my oldest son who has never returned it. That was 4 years ago. Needless to say I don't loan my kids anything anymore. I have one of the original Wii's so I play my gamecube games on it. :)
I had a Cube
Cool, mine is collecting dust somewhere in the house. Speaking of kids, I needed my boy to help me beat the bosses in both Zelda, Prima and okay...RE too. Sighs. :)
Cool, mine is collecting dust somewhere in the house. Speaking of kids, I needed my boy to help me beat the bosses in both Zelda, Prima and okay...RE too. Sighs. :)

Just my favourite nephew and I are the only Zelda freaks in this family. Tyler and I have done Zelda marathons together on our respective systems. Only ones he hasn't played yet is Skyward Sword and the newest one with the Switch.
I love to play and mod my nintendo switches :) I am curious if you are into modding your nintendo switch. I play with atmosphere custom firmware and homebrew apps. I made my own homebrew apps and mods on game called Super Mario Odyssey.