Nine siblings born deaf and dumb


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Apr 18, 2004
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News From Sahara Samay:: Nine siblings born deaf and dumb

Sometimes marriages between blood relations become a curse for the future generation. This is what has happened to as many as nine siblings who were all born with physical impairment that has made them deaf and dumb, Sahara Samay sources said.

Antul bore Bashar nine children without giving a thought as to how they would bring them up. Talking to Sahara Samay, Antul said that when she and her husband found that their first-born was deaf and dumb, they went for second child hoping that would perhaps be able to hear and speak.

However, as the God willed otherwise, the second child was also having the same impairment. Later, a total of nine children were born to the couple and all had the same problem.

Now, they are finding it very hard to look after their nine children. Doctors opine that such physical deficiency occurs in those children whose parents are blood relations.
Of is the oral philosophy that labels deaf people as dumb. :roll:
I wish I could adopt them all and show these actually dumb parents that their kids are not dumb, merely deaf period :rl:

You would think that they would be cautious after their first kid... then realize something was wrong after the second kid... but 9 kids? Boy...

You would think that they would be cautious after their first kid... then realize something was wrong after the second kid... but 9 kids? Boy...

Yeah, that's right, Vampy but there are deaf people in this country and probably right on this board who'd shout with glee over something like this. Oh, well, to each his own, I guess....
I wish I could adopt them all and show these actually dumb parents that their kids are not dumb, merely deaf period :rl:
yeah i wish the whole world to change the word dumb to can't speak clear or something like that

i'm aware the word "dumb" means can't talk. doesn't mean stupid, moron, idoit, whatever it is...

i think those parents are thinking its a burden to them because they want a HEARING kids.
This family lives in India, which has a different cultural perspective than most of us at AD.
Unfortunately, people in the US still think that "Deaf and Dumb" is PC. Plus, many people here (the US) would find this a curse. It's not just India, it's everywhere.