Orangutan Likes Patriots In Super Bowl
Wait and see who wins the game on Sunday! That's so cute that she picked Patriots.
Orangutan Likes Patriots In Super Bowl - Louisville News Story - WLKY Louisville
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Another football expert has weighed in on the upcoming Super Bowl.
Amber, the Louisville Zoo’s 20-year-old orangutan, predicts the New England Patriots will prevail against the New York Giants this Sunday.
Amber was given a choice between Patriots and Giants t-shirts. She first grabbed the Giants shirt, but then grabbed the Patriots shirt. After going back and forth between the two, she finally chose the Pats shirt and put it on.
The t-shirt prediction was part of Amber’s animal enrichment program.
“Animal enrichment is an important aspect of animal management at the Louisville Zoo,” said Animal Training Supervisor Jane Anne Franklin. “Amber and other animals at the zoo are given regular enrichment that provides them with mental and physical stimulation.”
Franklin said playing with T-shirts and other items of clothing is one of Amber’s favorite activities.
“When she is given a shirt, she often likes to take it and rub it across her face and feel the texture before she puts it on. Oh, and she really likes handbags,” she laughed. “If she had to choose between two handbags that might have been hard for her, because I bet she would have carried both of them around and not let them out of her sight.”
Franklin said that Amber might make more predictions in the future.
“It’s just something fun for her,” Franklin said. “And she enjoys all the attention.”