Newspapers Verses Blogs.

If you think journalists are usually held accountable for their bias and mistakes, you're in for a big surprise.

they're held to a higher standard than bloggers are. :cool2: besides, bloggers don't lose their "job" for posting erroneous or inflammatory information.
they're held to a higher standard than bloggers are. :cool2: besides, bloggers don't lose their "job" for posting erroneous or inflammatory information.

Technically, yes. However, they do get away with it most of the times because they go unnoticed. I can tell you without hesitation that there are plenty of articles being published everyday where at least 90% of the story itself is inaccurate and nobody would even notice it nor make a noise over it.

The bloggers can and do get sued for defamation sometimes.
The bloggers can and do get sued for defamation sometimes.

bloggers get sued for defamation of character far less than journalists lose their jobs. i studied journalism at my university for 3 years under professional instruction by those who have had experience in the field of journalism, so i'm quite familiar with the history and general concensus as far as credibility, ethics and punishment are concerned.
bloggers get sued for defamation of character far less than journalists lose their jobs. i studied journalism at my university for 3 years under professional instruction by those who have had experience in the field of journalism, so i'm quite familiar with the history and general concensus as far as credibility, ethics and punishment are concerned.

You studied in journalism. It's not the same as working in journalism. Like I said, you're in for a big surprise. The real world is a whole different place than the college/university world. It's a dog eat dog world.

In university and college settings, rules are rules. Right? Do you think they are applied the same way to the real world?

Like I said, you'll be surprised.
so you think the fact that i studied journalism for 3 years means i have no understanding of the way the real world works when it comes to the media? if so, i'm afraid you are sadly mistaken.
so you think the fact that i studied journalism for 3 years means i have no understanding of the way the real world works when it comes to the media? if so, i'm afraid you are sadly mistaken.

Okay, keep yourself in denial if you want to.
and blogs don't brainwash you? how can you tell if some blogs are for real? :hmm:

Here's the difference. ALL blogs have an agenda. SOME newspapers have an agenda. But if I want factual, realistic information, I am not going to use a blog. Talk about brainwashing.:roll:
Here's the difference. ALL blogs have an agenda. SOME newspapers have an agenda. But if I want factual, realistic information, I am not going to use a blog. Talk about brainwashing.:roll:
