News Flash: Sugar does not cause Diabetes!


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Jan 30, 2007
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"If you have diabetes, you do need to watch your sugar and carbohydrate intake to properly manage your blood sugar level with the help of your Registered Dietitian. However, if you do not have diabetes, sugar intake will not cause diabetes. So far, a diet high in calories, being overweight, and an inactive lifestyle are the main risk factors for Type 2 diabetes.

A study published in Diabetes Care (April 2003) re-confirmed that sugar does not cause diabetes. In this study, researchers analyzed data on nearly 39,000 middle-aged women, all of whom completed a 131-item food questionnaire. Six years later, there were 918 cases of Type 2 diabetes reported. Researchers found no definitive influence of sugar intake on the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes."

Sugar does not cause Diabetes!
"If you have diabetes, you do need to watch your sugar and carbohydrate intake to properly manage your blood sugar level with the help of your Registered Dietitian. However, if you do not have diabetes, sugar intake will not cause diabetes. So far, a diet high in calories, being overweight, and an inactive lifestyle are the main risk factors for Type 2 diabetes.

A study published in Diabetes Care (April 2003) re-confirmed that sugar does not cause diabetes. In this study, researchers analyzed data on nearly 39,000 middle-aged women, all of whom completed a 131-item food questionnaire. Six years later, there were 918 cases of Type 2 diabetes reported. Researchers found no definitive influence of sugar intake on the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes."

Sugar does not cause Diabetes!

It is absolutely right. There are two things that lead to diabetes type 2: unhealthy lifestyle and hierarchy.

I have had diabetes type 2 which is caused by my past unhealthy lifestyle for a few years. I have managed it well lately. :)
Runs in the family too

My hubby has just found out he has it. He is trying to control it. The doctor has him on medication and he is exercising and losing 5-10 lbs. Diabetes runs in his family as does heart disease. If you have a genetic disposition for it, it's even more important to try and beat it.

He suffered a severe spinal injury (C3-C4 vertebrae) while on duty in Army in 2003, so he is limited to the kinds of exercise he can do. He goes to the gym to work out.

He is a "disabled" Army vet. He has gone to the health class at the VA. I couldn't go because of the schedule, but I've been reading about the diet. I talked to the hospital nuitrition lady when they let him out of the hospital. He was hospitalized for a week because he had an angioplasty and 3 stents inserted (metal mesh thingies to keep his arteries/veins open, 1/3 of his heart was not getting enough blood).

That ER trip happened last November, so it's been an adjustment in habits (and he hasn't been raised with the best ones; his father is terrible about following doctor's orders after his heart attack--he's stubborn and a very bad example for my husband. It makes me mad when his dad says mean things to my hubby but he doesn't even take his own advice! It's pot calling the kettle black.)

I am not sure why some men don't care about their health. It seems more women I talk to are more interested in healthy eating.

Eating fast food is not a good idea if you want a long and healthy life. I lived on a farm when I was a young girl, and we grew our own food. I live in the city now, but it's not impossible to eat healthy; just more expensive. I look at it as pay the grocery man or pay the doctor, and the doctor is more expensive in the long run once damage has been done.
my grandpa having diabeta. he is low sugar because also my cousin having sugar low that is sadly problem on diabetes!
I agree with the need to have a healthy lifestyle to prevent the start of diabetes. What makes me disgustingly sick to the core of my soul are overweight people trying to make being fat an OK thing. It's a disease which will lead to a group of other maladies that will end up costing them more than the whole pizza they wolfed down the night before. I can imagine the "can't help it" excuses that follow in defense of a bad lifestyle. Just like one can crave junk, they also can control it starting with figuring out the reasons why they reach out for more grub. Start taking the initiative and get your butts in shape America!
Yep, being overweight does not help. I lost a lot myself. I went from a waist size 36 to a 32.