Newly Single

Thanks I appreicate the back up and support. I feel awesome!
I am sorry to read about your situation..sounds like u are doing alright. :)
Yep I am doing great! It's ok nothing ever is a mistake in life. I have to trust that. There was a reason for this.
RainGurl..You really so brave...keep calm and discuss with him..make him realized how you did communicate.
Right now..Focus on your children, they are priority..they need you!!
Be Proud Mother you are!!
Be there for your children!!
DO with men later!! They can wait!!

We are here to chat with you whenever you need!!
I am more happy to chat with cheer you up! I am very sense of humor, make people laugh!!
Chat with us! Laugh with us! Cry with us! Thats what ALLDEAF for! Smile
sorry to hear about him leaving you without warning. I had similar situation a few months ago. I found out wife was having affair with no real hints of problems in my marriage. That kind of broken heart is as good as your spouse dying on you with no ability to prepare for it. I have a little puppy (9 months old now) that has been my saving grace. You are able to cope much better than I; it still
eats at my soul occasionally, but slowly getting there.
I'm going to ignore that ....
Maybe you should try being a single mom...see how it feels?

Yea, I agree with u...being a single mom is very very tough. I was raised by a single mom who had no job skills nor advanced education and she had to start at square one at the age of 28 with 2 deaf children, mortgage and other bills. It was tough for all of us but my mom is strong and we all survived.

I experienced being a single mom for 4 years...whew..very tough and I applaud u with 2 children while I only had 1. I have my 2nd child and having 2 children is a lot harder than having 1. Hang in there..:)
I want to saying that you are very strong woman, all you can do is foucs on yourself, and the kids...

Here is my hugs to you.... :) take it easy gurl
Raingurl, I'm sorry that he walked out on you. I can see that you have good head on your shoulder and that you love your children very much. Enjoy your new dog and children. I have a feeling that you will be fine. Keeping you in my prayers...Lisa
And my hubby had no reason to leave. I did all of that and more. He said he couldn't give me reasons and that it wasn't my fault. It was him. So...
as much as I try to anaylize it and beat myself up over it. I can't. I need to go on with my life. Yes, I love him. It hurts more than you can imagine. But I love him enough, to let him go. As hard, as painful, as has wrong as it seems. That is real love.

My entire family is shocked. No warning.

Oh and by the way our lives are stable. I am the stable one. I am the strong force. The last week has been hell. So how can you judge? How you can see or feel or anything what I am walking through? I would like to know that? Having a new pet, its the best thing for us. I am a single mother, alone with two children - I cannot hear what if someone came in and something happened? It's the best defense. Plus I am a total dog lover. So please knock off the harsh judgements and opinions because you really have no clue what you are talking about.

Having a dog brings so much happiness and smiles as well as feeling secure and protected. I think you did the right thing to get a dog. They have a way to help us heal and feel loved. The way the dogs greet us at the door can help forget a whole day's problems! Keep your head up and looking straight ahead. Hugs, Suzi
sorry to hear about him leaving you without warning. I had similar situation a few months ago. I found out wife was having affair with no real hints of problems in my marriage. That kind of broken heart is as good as your spouse dying on you with no ability to prepare for it. I have a little puppy (9 months old now) that has been my saving grace. You are able to cope much better than I; it still
eats at my soul occasionally, but slowly getting there.

bless your heart, time will heal.. what did you named your puppy?? they are the best companion (unconditional love) like all problems go away while playing with my dog ... I say, nothing is guaranteed in life, we just have to go one day at a time, live like it's your last not about how many years being together!! .. I think it really doesn't matter how long you've been with someone, it hurts but I think it's part of life... without it, you wouldn't be able to survive anything.. Hope you will be okay... (what doesn't kill ya will make you stronger) hang in there!! smile.
Yea, I agree with u...being a single mom is very very tough. I was raised by a single mom who had no job skills nor advanced education and she had to start at square one at the age of 28 with 2 deaf children, mortgage and other bills. It was tough for all of us but my mom is strong and we all survived.

I experienced being a single mom for 4 years...whew..very tough and I applaud u with 2 children while I only had 1. I have my 2nd child and having 2 children is a lot harder than having 1. Hang in there..:)

BRavo Shel (I admired your strength) !!! Raingurl, just remember you never alone, if some can do it, you can just with faith and strength to get by the day, tomorrow is a new day.. exciting.

Abit off the topic, we have a life you know even with or without our spouses... I can't stand people being dependable on their spouse for their happiness, you gotta be happy with yourself first before being in a relationship as it just an extra bonus of happiness. Like if it didn't go well, at least you have yourself and doing well without them cause you have a life too!!

Hang in there Raingurl, smile
I'm sorry to hear about this, hang in there with your kids and new family member your dog.
Sorry this is soo late... I hope you are holding out ok. If I lived closer, I'd go kick his butt for ya!

This happened to my cousin years ago and we were quite shocked! She was living in Nashville and she flew here because her sister was having her baby by scheduled C section, and wanted to be here for her. Well, when she went back home, her husband had thrown all of her stuff out on the front porch and had the locks changed. She had NO money and no way to get back here... so she called her mother and my aunt and uncle had to pay for her ticket back here. She's been living here and has since remarried (she was so scared to remarry, but went ahead and so far, so good!) I know for a fact she is happier than she has ever been. So, there is hope for you and your girls happiness out there!

Anyway, you are very much loved here and just know we are here for ya if you ever need to vent! Hugs to you and your girls!!!

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