Hi Tracker, I am also new here, however I am not deaf, one of my best friends is and she takes alot of bull from alot of people out there. People descriminate over so many different things, my brother keeps looking for a job however alot of places won't hire him because he is bald, and it makes him appear much older than he is. Sometimes people will find any reason for not hiring someone, maybe because you are too fat, or to short, or to tall or you can't hear or you can't walk, whatever reason it is their loss for not having you as their employee.
Maybe you could start some type of business on your own or with a friend
Maybe I am not much help I'm sorry, but sometimes people make me sick. THey never think of hurting peoples feelings, or if it was their own family member being rejected. You hang in there you WILL find a job with someone who will appreciate you for you!!!!!!!!