

New Member
Jun 11, 2011
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hi everyone
this is all new to me i started to lose my hearing in my right ear late last yr my dr told me it was excessive ear wax and to use olive oil, i did that for 4 months and it got no better so i saw a different dr who said it wasnt wax and sent me to an ear specialist i saw him a couple months ago and by that time my hearing had got worse. i was fitted for hearing aids and i been wearing them for 2wks now, things were fine for the first week i could hear alot better but now i cant hear at all, i went back for another hearing test and now my left ear is going, i had the aids reprogrammed but things are still the same, i can hear sounds but its too sharp and goes right through me, things like people talking, the tv, if anyone knocks on my door and talking on my phone i cant hear. i had an mri scan but i dont know the results yet. im really struggling with coping with this, i cry all the time when i cant hear what im supposed to, yesterday i embarrassed myself by breaking down in my local shop coz i couldnt get right how much i was supposed to pay as i couldnt hear. i feel so alone i have no one who understands, my family get fed up with with them having to keep repeating themselves, im a single mum who can barely hear what my children say to me, i hate this so much i dont know what to do anymore. im due to see a counseller to come to terms with it and im being refered to see someone to see what help i cant get for making my home life alittle easier.
i found this site while researching about deafness and decide to join as im getting to the point where im so depressed i dont want to leave my house
hi everyone
this is all new to me i started to lose my hearing in my right ear late last yr my dr told me it was excessive ear wax and to use olive oil, i did that for 4 months and it got no better so i saw a different dr who said it wasnt wax and sent me to an ear specialist i saw him a couple months ago and by that time my hearing had got worse. i was fitted for hearing aids and i been wearing them for 2wks now, things were fine for the first week i could hear alot better but now i cant hear at all, i went back for another hearing test and now my left ear is going, i had the aids reprogrammed but things are still the same, i can hear sounds but its too sharp and goes right through me, things like people talking, the tv, if anyone knocks on my door and talking on my phone i cant hear. i had an mri scan but i dont know the results yet. im really struggling with coping with this, i cry all the time when i cant hear what im supposed to, yesterday i embarrassed myself by breaking down in my local shop coz i couldnt get right how much i was supposed to pay as i couldnt hear. i feel so alone i have no one who understands, my family get fed up with with them having to keep repeating themselves, im a single mum who can barely hear what my children say to me, i hate this so much i dont know what to do anymore. im due to see a counseller to come to terms with it and im being refered to see someone to see what help i cant get for making my home life alittle easier.
i found this site while researching about deafness and decide to join as im getting to the point where im so depressed i dont want to leave my house

Hey Lou, Welcome to AD. I am sorry you are going through a really hard time right now. I myself, became deaf at 18 months so it is a different experience from you but there are many others in AD who have gone through a similar experience as you have and I am sure they would be able to share their experience and wisdom. Hopefully, this would help make things a little bit easier for you. I know it is not easy but hang in there and it does sound like you are going in the right direction in getting some support. Maybe make some contacts with Deaf and Hard of Hearing agencies in your area at least, to make sure you are referred to appropriate resources. It is important that you see professionals that are well versed with deaf and hard of hearing issues. Olive Oil? Oh Puhleeez!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Are you really afraid of going out in public because you could not understand people? All you have to do is use papers and pen or pencil for them to write down for you so that you will be able to understand what they are saying. You need to go community college or some place like Hearing Society to learn ASL so that you can communicate with Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

Enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Welcome. You can find lots of good advice here. :)
Doc's advice on using olive oil is common in UK to shift wax (the audiologists also advise us to use it 2 weeks before earmold impression appointment to get rid of any stray wax) it is natrual and harmless.
Welcome loubelou! There are many people here at AllDeaf who have been through similiar experiences to you. So, you are not alone. There are also quite a few from the UK. I'm an Aussie, myself, living in Thailand.

You may wish to visit the late-deafened thread on the forum. I found it helpful myself when I first arrived here. Athough born severely-deaf, I was raised not knowing anything about the Deaf community. My family are all hearing, so I know what it's like.

:smile: you have come to the right place. :hug: Looking forward to seeing you around the forum. Enjoy yourself reading and posting in the threads. Hang in there, you will find your feet again soon.

Ive had the very same experiences as you, if you feel like a chat just let me know......also from the UK :0)
wellcome to all deaf! if you have a hard time understanding people, maybe you could look into an FM system :)
you can also look for resources too
thankyou all.
i did think about going to a sign language class but thought it was pointless if im the only one who knows how to sign, my family and other people would be like huh? so i thought i would try lip reading instead, i just looked on the net and they have 1 class in my area, so im going to give that ago.
yes i am afraid to go out, i cant exactly hold up a queue in a shop coz i have to communicate by writing on paper. im not giving up but i am finding it hard to come to terms with this, as ive been battling with depression for many years this has hit me hard, so thats why im trying to help myself by seeing counsellers and im going to have a social worker who will help me with the difficulties im having
Loubelou, It will take some time but you will survive. I did not go deaf real fast as some have but I did ware HA's for over 50 years. Finally got so bad I kind of withdrew into my shell as I think many of us that were hearing for years, do, I'm one of the lucky ones as I now have CI's in both ears and am learning new sounds all the time. I can now go to group meetings and take part and comprehend about 90% of what is going on. Probably still lip read some but have never taken a course in it. Just seems that one learns over time through necessity. I'm in U.S.A. and apparently have good insurance as I did not pay out of pocket very much at all. No way I could afford these things any other way. Hopefully you will be as lucky as I've been. Don't be afraid to let people know you have a hearing problem, even carry around one of those erasable small note boards and have them write to you and you can read and answer via voice. Most people don't seem to mind doing that when they know you are interested in what they have to say and know you have a hearing problem. Good luck and you will find lots of info and support in this group. chin up.