Newbie with WS from the UK


New Member
Mar 2, 2010
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Hi everyone :wave:

I was stumbling blindly around the internet, looking for recipes of all things and came across this forum (why and how I hear you ask...ah, the wonders of modern technology...)

I'm a forty *cough* year old housewife from Hampshire in the UK.

I was diagnosed with Waardenburg Syndrome 4 years ago, after losing my hearing in 1995. I spent 10 years fighting the medical world who accused me of being a time waster, a liar and an attention seeker until some bright spark finally realised that with heterochromia and white hair there may just be a chance that I may have been telling the truth...

Anyways, I have 3 little bratlings (well, not so little now as they're 14, 15 and 17) my middle one has WS, but as yet no hearing loss.

If anyone wants to ask me anything I'm quite happy to share my deepest feelings, emotions, medical details and even fantasies - safe in the knowledge that none of you know what I look like and wouldn't recognise me even if you fell over me in the street! :giggle:
Hi there. You will probably be glad to let us see you so we can recognize you if we run into you after you have been here a while.

Three teenagers in your house! You need to take a break here! Welcome to AD. :D
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Just browse around the threads and post any topic you might be interest in. Have fun. See you around here. :wave:
Welcome to AllDeaf!! :wave:

Pull up a chair, put the feet up and have a cup of java and enjoy your ride with us here on AllDeaf.
Welcome to all deaf hope you enjoy reading and posting on here have fun and enjoy these are great people here any ways welcome and enjoy.(wave:)