Hello! I am a newbie to alldeaf.com, I am in American Sign Language classes and am working on a minor in American Sign Language studies. Today I was looking for volunteers to help me with a homework assignment. Anyone feel up to it? All you need is to watch a video through youtube a couple of times, and then use your webcam or camera to videotape yourself telling the story.
I am not deaf and am just a student of ASL, but have been exposed to Deaf culture and do not mean to impose or annoy anyone. To be honest, I have been a little shy to include myself in the local deaf community since my signing skills are not to my expectations, I was hoping to find an online community to be able to feel comfortable in so I could ask questions and work on my skills and knowledge, I guess you could say in my own way. I am very curious about the Deaf World and figured this website is a great source for finding people all over that sign and I have learned that signing varies not only by individual, but by region, and to expand to see these different cultural differences in signing could only help my own abilities.
So in response to the assignment I have,
-The video is not an ASL video already, it is just a video, with no sound or captions. I am looking to see different interpretations of the story.
Please watch more than once, but no more than 3 times. I just want to see different interpretations that people give, not necessary to be exact. Its more natural that way.
405 - YouTube
The interpretation must be in ASL. I would prefer deaf individuals, but I would also love to see other interpretations as well from different levels of signers. I am interested in the differences between sign usage and sign choice.
Feel free to respond to the post via VLOG but please keep the following in mind:
Somehow I would like to be able to get the video myself too, so if possible, please email a version to me at:
in the email please include your name, if you are only comfortable with your first name I understand, where you are from, how old you are (an age range is ok as well), and any other history information you want to include. Please let me know how long you have been signing (even if its a rough estimate).
Thank you!