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Nov 30, 2011
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Hey I'm Jessica,
I've been profoundly deaf for ~15 years now, but I have a cochlear implant in one ear. I'm hoping to get the other ear implanted before summer. So, yea, there's my grand introduction! haha <3
Hi, nice to meet ya... not me, though, I wouldn't touch Cochlear implants, got 50%/50%, my audiologists says, so I rather be profoundly deaf and rockin' out with my mp3 player than risk the chance that I MIGHT winds up total deaf. Hoo boy! No worries!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Having a second CI can be really too much when it is costing you a lot of money for the CI devices. Are you rich enough to own two CI? I prefer hearing aid better than CI myself. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
New here too curious about CI

Hi everyone! Im new to this site and this post caught my eye. I am a hard of hearing individual who has basically been mainstreamed my entire life, I had tried hearing aids when I was younger, but I mainly lip read. Now as im getting older Ive noticed that my hearing is getting worse and have recently tried hearing aids again but to no success ( they may make things louder, but they dont make speach clearer) and CI have been something reccomended to me often. How do they compare to hearing aids and natural speech? It seems like those who have hearing think that the CI is basically a miracle drug. Any thoughts?