Newbie here


New Member
Jan 11, 2018
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Im here to learn about other peoples experiences they might have had in a hearing and deaf relationship, to learn what I can to make my relationship with my deaf boyfriend easier. I accept all comments, do's and dont's and hopefully make new friends along the way
Does he sign? Do you sign?
Yes my boyfriend signs and yes Im learning to sign, but not as fast as he would like me to learn. This is totally a different world for me with my deaf boyfriend , but I really care about him and am willing to do what it takes to make our relationship work. We have lots of fun together he makes me laugh and most of the time when i start to sign he can catch on to what Im trying to tell him.
I hope you do not get bored with signing in like a year.
well I hope to have learned much more then I do now so it might be easier for me!