Newbie here...:P


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Feb 3, 2010
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Hello all. My name is Chris and I have an 8 year old daughter that is very hard of hearing. We've been wanting to learn sign language and know some of the very basics but wanting to know more.
:welcome: to AD and kudos to you for wanting to learn ASL!!!
Woo hoo!!

Wow!! You guys don't waste any time in responding! That's just awesome!!

Thanks very much for the welcome and I hope to make many wonderful friends and learn asl. My daughter loves to learn and so we're trying!!

I'm hoping to maybe find someone close to us that we can get together and learn that way...that would be AWESOME!!!
Wow!! You guys don't waste any time in responding! That's just awesome!!

Thanks very much for the welcome and I hope to make many wonderful friends and learn asl. My daughter loves to learn and so we're trying!!

I'm hoping to maybe find someone close to us that we can get together and learn that way...that would be AWESOME!!!

I know a few deaf people in NC but I dunno about SC. Hopefully someone who lives in the Carolinas can answer and give you links to organizations you can connect with in order to learn ASL.

Good luck! Pls do keep coming here and participate in the different topics. We would love to have you! :wave:
Thank-you very much. I shall indeed be here and look forward to talking with all you guys and gals.
Welcome to AllDeaf!!! :wave:

Here's a few sites to help with ASL:

• ASL • American Sign Language Home
Signing Savvy | ASL Sign Language Video Dictionary :: Home

Here's some state agencies I found. I could not find for Gaston specifically, so I did the search for just South Carolina.

South Carolina Association of the Deaf, Incorporated
The South Carolina Association of the Deaf, Inc.

The South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind About Index
The South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind.

Hope these links are beneficial to you and your family.
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:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. That is awesome that you are signing with your daughter and also other family members. This is very important for her to sign so that she can understand visually better than lipreading or speechreading. Keep doing this and you will improve your ASL signs. Just have fun reading and posting all the threads here. We just love to discuss and debate. See you around here. :wave:
Welcome to AD. A gently put question: Your child is 8 yrs old. You hadn't heard about sign language, in general, and specifically American Sign Language (ASL) before now?
Yea, we've been learning sign for a few years now but it's been inconsistent. You know how it is. New parents not knowing exactly what to do. One doctor tells you that signing would help, then you change doctors and he/she says no, she doesn't need to learn sign, just some speech. We've just recently decided that she likes, we like it...forget the doctors. Who knows, God might use us to reach out and help other deaf people...whether we're deaf or're gonna learn sign.
Thanks Hutt5asl!! That's my life verse. It's just awesome to know he is on our side!